It seems almost self evident the game would not have been greenlit without a form of DRM. Most of the comments here are lamenting the game having DRM, but they're comparing having the game with DRM vs having the game without DRM, not having the game with DRM vs not having the game at all.
This is very cool. I'm heavily invested in Vue.js, but seeing these kinds of features of the horizon with React makes me a bit jealous.
The APIs do see unintuitive, but as Dan said, they are not finalized yet. I remember trying to implement a drag and drop component in React and having a bit of trouble with complicated APIs. Hopefully this keeps getting cleaner.
Example, one benefit is that you're defining your API by using language neutral protobufs which then generate code consistently (including types!) into many languages. Your entire communication procedure can be easily and succinctly described in a single small, human readable file.
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