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There's also no 1MM install threshold if you list your app on an alternative App Store, which seems like it will kill the attractiveness of using a different storefront unless you're a developer with a an app that has a recurring subscription that's either a) just not allowed on Apple's storefront, and/or b) has an subscription price expensive enough that the $0.50 annual fee is less than the amount of commission you're avoiding from Apple.

> Core Technology Fee — iOS apps distributed from the App Store and/or an alternative app marketplace will pay €0.50 for each first annual install per year over a 1 million threshold.

Sounds to me like developers have to pay the per user fee no matter where the app is distributed.

It's only if developers agree to any of the new terms. They still have the "right" to stick to Apple's original 30/15 model and not pay the fee.

Right, but they have to agree to the new terms if they want to do alternative distribution.

I'm just pointing out that there's a third option of staying in the App Store and paying 17/10 instead of 30/15, but it also requires the Core Tax.

The article is from 2015, and it's tinfoil hat claptrap. Not sure how this made it to the front page.

Who is pulling the strings!!!!

And your last comment was from a year ago and one of only three you've made...all of them being related to Google..

This breaks the HN guidelines, which ask to assume good faith and not insinuate astroturfing or shilling unless you have actual evidence. Please don't do this again.

No doubt nefarious actions are real but internet users have a far greater tendency to project it onto people who simply have a different view than they do. We all need to guard against this.

Endless reams about this at https://hn.algolia.com/?sort=byDate&dateRange=all&type=comme... if you or anyone want to understand this rule better.

I was only kidding! That being said, thanks for the warning I'll be more careful commenting in the future.

How deep does it go???!!

Damn it, blew my cover!

Thank you for this, subie.

The unaware can laugh all they want but the information war is real and HN is quite popular.

Hahahah, yeah that’s it mate. Hacker News is on the forefront of the infowars. This article is an absolute joke. The author has terrible reasoning skills. I’m glad to see that this has been flagged.

This is why I check all the comments first, thanks!

I went the opposite direction -- FastMail to Google Apps -- several years ago when FM had ~3 solid days of downtime. Really long time ago, but still a bit of a sore spot for me as I missed at least a day and a half of incoming email that wasn't deliverable during that time. My sense is that they're a much more mature company now though.

That said, I'm not sure why more people don't consider upgrading to Google Apps from free GMail. $50 a year gets you an SLA, support, and no ads. It's been extremely reliable for me and I've not had any downtime (that I've noticed) for 5+ years. No performance problems either that I hear folks complain about with free GMail either.

Obviously it would be better if there was no downtime, but the sending MTA should really have queued that mail and delivered it when Fastmail was back up.

It was down long enough that it blew through the queue for several (most? some?) MTAs which were about ~36 hours if I remember correctly.

The default I have seen everywhere (qmail, postfix) is a week.

that's assuming no one changes defaults... if your a large enough provider you are tweaking these settings.

Mostly because it doesn't defeat the issue with data collection. Google Apps doesn't, as far as I've ever been told, bar Google from using it's privacy-invasive "features" on your data. And while you can justify Gmail as a free service that violates your privacy to pay for it, Google Apps offers no such justification.

Google apps can be free if you have a old account. Only reason I still have a account.

But I am trying to move out of it.

Title needs a (2015). Old thread.

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