This doesn’t duplicate one of the best features of Ngrok: the local web server that lets you inspect and replay recent requests. This feature makes writing webhook code so much easier, because if your code doesn’t work right, you can inspect the request, fix your code, and have Ngrok replay the request until it’s all working properly. That’s even in the free version! And the paid version is also pretty cheap, and you don’t have to maintain, nor pay for, a cloud instance
Sometimes I feel like most of my headache is in just getting that first request to hit ngrok. Then I’ll replay it dozens of times as I figure out the functionally.
For developers who responded "I am a developer by profession" and used C, C++, Java, and/or Python in their dev environment, VSCode tops VIM, which tops Sublime, which tops Emacs. Every time!
To be fair, there's a bit of ambiguity in what question is being discussed.
1. What development environment do you use most (IDE)?
2. What editor do you use most?
3. What editor(s) do you use regularly?
Personally, my day job currently has me working in Java, and I use IntelliJ for that. However, I use Emacs on a daily basis _as an editor_; especially in the case where I need to look at, move around, and manipulate files quickly.
If I had to pick one of them to keep and one to give up... I would be sad, because the fill different roles.
So far? Pretty much no news, they're using Slack to communicate a bit. VPN access for everybody is broken or barely working, no internal ticketing as a result. As far as I can tell, private networking is mostly working between servers (at least, for my servers, ~60).
Their latest Windows version has some weird DLL blacklist which blocks the ffmpeg DLLs used by the virtual camera. I made an inert version of the DLL[1] but this will break screen sharing due to a set of digital signature checks Zoom does before screen sharing.