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Wow! So fast!

Thank you :)

Very very awesome. Thank you for sharing :)


Very very awesome! I love it. I will try to crossdomain post canvas.dataurl to a remote server... Hope with no browser restrictions! :) Thank you for sharing. You Rock!

"So, like I said, it was just a normal day here at Facebook" -> I love this.

http://www.magno.me/startup-e-italia-qualcosa-si-inizia-a-mu... Here you can find a quite critical point of view from one of the best italian entrepreneurs and business angel. Is written in italian for the italians who always criticize the italian venture capitalists, accusing them that they miss some good startups. But venture capitalists in this country are moving and growing, although there are still many gaps about seed capital. Also, the new Italian government has introduced measures to promote venture capital. By the way, You're hacker enough to translate this post!

HN, keep an eye on italian startup scene, a lot of potential waiting to be discovered...

agreed. I really wish the startup scene blossoms in Italy in the near future as there is great potential there - One of my favourite italian startups is http://stereomood.com/

How would you monetize that site?

Buy buttons on every track. Lots of music I've never heard about that I might like to download to my music player.

EDIT: There are buy buttons on every track, but frankly they're almost too inobtrusive - I didn't notice them at first.

You could try mood based ads. Very difficult to sell to an advertiser, but it could have some interesting applications. I wonder if depressed or happy people buy more.

Interesting approach! I generally think happy people would buy more...

I think the opposite, that sad people would buy more. Would be an interesting experiment :)

there could also be potential for B2B services: think airport lounges, auto salons, etc etc ...

Lot of potential but little money.

"Italian VC investors (I mean the ones based in Italy) are, in general, famously useless at identifying high growth businesses in their own country"

Sad but true.

The money is in hiring good hackers at good prices.

Nice UX!

Wow! My first question on HN, has not been answered for hundreds of years! My friend made ​​me a fish of April, four months late :)

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