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Don't forget the Chris King Headset Composite Index: http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.com/2008/10/no-getting-around-it...

They're hardly the only ones trying to abstract files away from the user. iOs has had a lot of success with non technical types doing just that. Here's hoping that osx doesn't fully take the plunge

Amen! It would seem that Parker thinks he can ingratiate himself with promising companies simply by patting himself on the back. The sad part is, it appears to work

He is the ultimate "ideas guy". I believe his net worth is somewhere near $800 million. His value after Napster was his connections to venture capital companies.

Even in high school, he got in trouble for "hacking", which was nothing more than being a script kiddie (he used pre-built exploits to attack military and other computers).

>I believe his net worth is somewhere near $800 million.

With 7% of facebook, his net worth is quite a bit higher. Given a facebook valuation creeping up on $100B, his net worth is probably in the $4-7B range.

Does he still own 7%, or has he been diluted?

I'm sure it's been diluted, but he would have also had options. That's why I gave such a broad guesstimate. i also recall reading an interview with him a while back where they asked, "now that you're a billionaire, is a billion dollars cool?" or some such.

I'd be very surprised if he wasn't worth at least a couple billion.

Isn't that really valuable?

In fact, isn't it worth $800 million+ in this case?

Hey Mike, do you think you could talk about how you test those js functions? Do you actually hardcode them as strings in python, or do you load them from a separate js file that you can develop / test separately. I've always been a little sketched out by the requirement that those MR jobs be written in js, would be curious to hear how you do it.

That's a great question, and to be honest it's a bit of a pain point so I probably should've talked about it in the post.

When developing a new M/R job from scratch I start by mirroring (at least part of) the data to a local database. Then I can iterate locally on the M/R using print() and printjson() to debug the map() and reduce() functions - those will print directly to the database log.

I tend to just embed the map() & reduce() functions as Python strings like you see in the post. I'm confident that there are better ways to handle this, though. One approach that can be interesting is to do development from the shell, that way you can write and debug the map() & reduce() in an actual JS environment. Once you're happy with them you can just drop them in as strings with the rest of your application code. Would love to hear how other people are approaching this stuff, too.

All of that said, I expect that the tooling here will improve over time.

+1 for this. Rather frustrating that "Assigned to you" includes those from my organization's repositories, but "In your repositories" does not. It's not that the language is that hard to follow, it's just not quite the functionality I was hoping for

From my experience with the organization apis, it appears as though there is a completely separate structure behind it's management, and as such adding support for organizations to new features might actually be a bit haphazard.

upvote x10. The y combinator is exactly the sort of thing I would have been happy to have written on my body, had it not turned into an investor buzzword

Forgive the nitpicking, but I think you misread him slightly. He wrote "Take only classes you're interested in", not classes you enjoy. I did many of the things that Dave suggested (BA in Math, very few required classes for that one), and definitely lived by that policy. A prime example was that I never took a class just because it was a pre-req for another class that I wanted to take. There were some really hard classes that I did not enjoy doing the work for, but I had signed up because they covered interesting topics, and for the most part I was glad to have completed them.

As I said, I pretty much followed Dave's advice on course selection, not because I didn't think CS was necessary, but because I didn't yet know I wanted to do development. There are some things I feel I missed (like learning how a computer actually works), but on the whole the most useful programming skills I've gained are ones I've learned on the job or hacking on my own projects in the middle of the night.

This was exactly what I was getting at. I found that I didn't learn a lot in the classes that I wasn't interested in.

Ah, fair enough! Sorry for the misread.

New York, NY - Software Engineer , fulltime

Trendrr is a real-time data processing engine that powers Trendrr.com, Trendrr.tv, and other media experiences. We are a small, lean startup. Our stack is built on open source, and we believe in giving back wherever possible. This is a very small development team, and you will have a hand in everything.

For more information about the position see: http://blog.trendrr.com/2011/05/24/software-engineer-wanted-.... or contact me directly, I am a developer at Trendrr and am happy to answer your questions

Wow, you just rolled all my most visited sites into one. And now I can read techcrunch again without my brain melting. Actually, that might not be a good thing, but thank you anyway. Great work

New York, NY - Software Engineer , fulltime

Trendrr is a real-time data processing engine that powers Trendrr.com, Trendrr.tv, and other media experiences. We are a small, lean startup. Our stack is built on open source, and we believe in giving back wherever possible. This is a very small development team, and you will have a hand in everything.

For more information about the position see: http://blog.trendrr.com/2011/05/24/software-engineer-wanted-.... or contact me directly, I am a developer at Trendrr and am happy to answer your questions

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