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Is that not a good excuse for drug legalisation? If drugs are illegal then we get poor-quality or adulterated drugs, leading to deaths, and funding illicit activities. If we legalise it, we get quality control and tax.

Because the Makefile also becomes a central place of what you can run in a project without having dozens of different shell scripts. You can comment on targets, depend on others. Makefile targets to restore, the build i18n files, etc

I made a bash script that takes your Makefile and gives you a nice dialog menu for the targets that have comments. Works nicely as a self documenting project command menu.



We use PM2 in a docker container since we got a memory leak and PM2 has a memory limiter option that allows us to kill and restart a process when it uses too much memory. If we let it grow the response time starts to drop due to GC taking longer and longer.

You can be rich, get an education, and then lose the money but not the education.

Or spend all your money on education and not profit by it. Still in fashion today.

How is this different from the scam where someone sends out stock tips for different companies to different people? The ones that were successful they send out another round of random stock tips. Some of those will be right. Then they can target the people they sent the right ones to and say, look we predicted these so we are successful.

Basically, if you have many people predicting something, just from randomness some will be more successful and some won't be.

You could watch Samotsvety to see if they continue getting lucky in the future.

The source for that is the "Ministry of Defence’s Main Directorate of Intelligence (GUR)" so I would take that with a huge grain of salt.

They are a bit upset that Musk refused to allow them an offensive use of Starlink which would have, in his opinion, escalated the war.


>so I would take that with a huge grain of salt.

Your comment seems to contradict itself. The technology is so valuable that the GUR is upset Musk didn't provide it to them, but not so valuable that deployed units and operators would be targeted?

I think this war has demonstrated that Starlink is priceless.

Things chance quickly in a war, the situation is now (29 Februari 2024) very different. Starlinks mounted on drones by both sides, for example. Nato and US militairy paying for special Starlink. Jamming at 10Ghz-60Ghz.

Wait, they're mounting starlink on drones? Is that actually a thing?

At least one sea drone had one? [2].

"The first casualty when war comes is truth"

[1] https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=starlin...

[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFhADRYXi_8

Baba Yaga and boat drones

Could you share a source for that if we wanted to learn more?

Baba Yaga and boat drones

You might be missing a possible link to Elon Musk in that comment

I am bound by an NDA with an Intel Vice President and by an agreement with an ally of Nato military sources. Contact me directly and I'l be happy to point you to the sources that are not secret. You could located them yourself if you Google diligently.

It's also exposes your growth metrics. When using sequential id's one can tell how many users you have, how many users a month you are getting and all sorts of useful stuff that you probably don't want to expose.

It's how the British worked out how many tanks the German army had.

Yes! by the same logic we should not be tracking her public concerts. The location and times of the concerts should be private information only available to her.

It's tracking her jet, not her. She is free to use something else, and even send the jet to places without her. If I recall she even has 2 jets.

Because in Australia and New Zealand, a Kiwi is someone from New Zealand.

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