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100% not true in my experience, but can't speak for any org other than the one I work in (which has been by far the best job, team, and management I've ever worked with).

In that case you may be interested in AWS AppSync (a managed GraphQL service)


One additional feature of AppSync is that you're not tied to any particular database implementation, you can use any database (or data source for that matter, including existing REST APIs & Lambda functions).

It's less about code reuse across a full featured web application and a mobile application. The value comes in that once you master React or React Native, you can easily switch across platforms and be just as efficient. If you learn the ins and outs of Vue and gain depth of best practices / domain knowledge, you are stuck building only for the web.

If you do the same with React, you are then able to take those skills and build VR, Web, iOS, Android, Windows, and soon TVOS ++ many more in the future.

This, along with what has already been stated, is the value of using React vs Vue imo.

I don't see an issue of learning Vue and not being able to write native apps for iOS and Android as a valid one.

Weex quickly gets better and is maintained by Alibaba, a company of the same scale and with development resources comparable to Facebook or Google. NativeScript recently started work on Vue port, the project is already available for testing. That's excluding the Cordova solutions like Onsen and Framework 7 having official Vue ports.

To that, PWA slowly becomes the new trend for mobile development, native apps are not necessarily the optimal solution to every use case.

The "++ many more in the future" is an optimistic assumption. As much as I wish it to be fulfilled, same can be said about any other framework.

React Router V4 has been a pleasure to work with for me as well, and I've used it in a couple of projects that have some fairly complex routing.

Programmers are the only professionals in the world who complain about having to pay for quality tools. Can you imagine a dentist, truck driver, or doctor complaining about having to pay $2500 for a machine that would bring her hundreds of thousands of dollars over the next 5 years? Of course not.

I've heard doctors, truck drivers, construction workers and any number of other people complain about the cost of quality tools. For the same reason that people complain about the cost of Apple machines, they don't perceive enough quality difference to justify the price difference.

Are you kidding me? Professionals of any careers always complain about non-optimal tools.

If improvements make them more money/time than they cost, people will buy them without a second thought. As they should ;)

I have a good relationship with the Microsoft team behind Code Push. After speaking with them about this exact topic multiple times, they are sure that not only are JavaScript updates allowed, but they will continue to be allowed, as it is stated in the Apple Developer Agreement [1].

There is also a growing ecosystem of open source projects and companies offering services that offer and facilitate over the air updates.

[1] https://developer.apple.com/programs/ios/information/iOS_Pro...

Thanks for clarifying. I'm guessing Microsoft has directly talked to Apple about this before spending time building their infrastructure.

I'm thinking many people at Apple are happy to encourage OTA updates and even side loading apps. The original guidelines were dictated by you-know-who and so that's what they rolled with, but are willing to look the other way now (even though this type of code push directly violates the spirit of the App Store as a closed and controlled environment)

Author here, Apple actually allows performing over-the-air updates of JavaScript and assets [1].

[1] https://developer.apple.com/programs/ios/information/iOS_Pro...

I agree, and for me it all comes down to the OS. I've tried using other computers and operating systems, but as a software developer, my income and livelihood depend on me being able to produce code and do so efficiently. I'm more than willing to spend $2500 on a computer, one that I will one day be able to sell for ~$1000 if my past experiences hold true in the future, that works smoothly without hiccups and has a pristine top of the line OS that works seamlessly with all of the programs I run. I've tried Linux and like it, but some things just do not run the same as on my Mac. I've also tried Windows recently and the OS just feels gross, slow, and buggy after working with macOS and Linux.

I've been building React Native apps since the platform was released. Exponent not only makes the process much easier and approachable, it makes it a breeze to share the final app with your clients or people who you want to test externally. The team at Exponent also contributes a ton to the RN ecosystem as core contributors to React Native and open sourcing a lot of awesome RN components. If you're looking at building cross platform mobile apps I highly recommend checking out Exponent!

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