Well how do you know something is overengineered?
It's when you know it will never (or too far in the future) need to scale accordingly to the engineering.
The concept of overengineering is good on paper, but in practice it's being overused and not understood precisely.
I see devs freaking out when you use the word abstraction now...
Suggest extracting business logic from a React component and you don't know anymore if someone is gonna raise the "overengineering" flag.
If you start a new project, do you not use any library or framework at the beginning?
Obviously you take decisions according to how much the project/feature is expected to scale.
If your estimation was too low, you might cripple your development at some point, and need a rewrite or at least some significant refactoring.
If it was too high, I guess you overengineered.
What matters is asking yourself the question, and of course as engineers we like to challenge ourselves into building the best possible solution, but we equally need to consider how likely it is that such a solution is never needed.
Maintaining git history is a waste of time. Work with PRs and let the PR own the context of the changes. Simple and easy for everyone. You can also link much more information than in a commit.
git does have a concept of a merge commit, and most pull request tools have the option to force merge commits (as opposed to and in contrast to fast-forward merges or squash/rebase merges). If merge commits are forced you have an object representing completed PRs in the DAG. You can use tools like git log --first-parent to browse the "PR list" without needing to get into weeds of the individual commits "inside" the PRs at first.
If you force merge commits you at least have a record of completed PR activity in git history, even if you don't have details such as review comments (or in progress/in review code review efforts).
That's awesome and you don't have to take it to that extreme. Right before covid I took a 3 months break after my last contract as independent consultant. Traveled in South America with a backpack and it was awesome. These 3 months feel (fill) in my memory so much longer than the year and a half of covid. Can't wait to do that again once travelling is easy again. Only issue is that when I came back I needed a more meaningful work meaning that I'm not independent anymore. But I'll trade that off again and repeat happily
Going on vacation doesn't mean doing nothing.
Like you I don't understand how/why people do this.
I think it's about doing something different. Travel, visit, explore, camp, hike, do sport, meet new people, share that with family/friends or not.
For me it is about the approach. I like to plan very little. Plan something, but not very much.
Holiday goals, simply to have somewhere to go. They don't matter if you don't do them.
As you get to that goal, you take time to look around, maybe duck into a place here, do an activity over there. Or maybe not, and simply let life roll on by as you stroll to your destination.
I have gone hot air ballooning, day hiking, snorkelling with turtles. Wander over, have a chat, book it in for the next day or two. It is then the goal for that day and might lead to something else.
For me having a list of "places to be, things to do" means I have to be switched on, getting there and doing that, and if I don't then I have failed.
Holidays is noFail time. Allow serendipity to take charge.
> Like you I don't understand how/why people do this. I think it's about doing something different.
You raised the question and answered it in two sentences. This is exactly why some people are able to take a complete break and "do nothing" - their daily life is already filled to the brim with work, family, kids, etc, that when they get on vacation, what actually feels different is doing "nothing".
Fair point. I believe I manage to save enough time of "doing nothing" in my daily life (although it might feel uncomfortable sometimes as others pointed out in the thread) that I don't need that during vacation. I see it as an opportunity to do things I don't have time/energy to do otherwise.
Fair enough too. In my case I tend to go for 50/50 - I take about half my vacation days to literally "do nothing" (meaning catching up on games I missed since my son was born by lack of time, waking up late(r), watching movies and series, etc) and the other half as a family getaway, bringing my son to new places, trying out new things together.