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Gitlab minimum viable product policy makes it less and less attractive among other CI/CD/SecOps tools(and this makes me sad because I loved it back in the days). Instead they focusing on AI when the rest of features are unfinished. For example lately I wanted to implement deployment approval flow for ours crucial repositories but stumbled onto nasty bug. I've created a support request as we are on premium plan. The agent pointed me to 2-years old issues and closed the ticket. This is how its done there

So many 2-5 year old issues. The technical debt for Gitlab CI is not being addressed, it keeps piling up. It seems the backlog of bugs grows every year.

I haven’t found a CI that I like more than Gitlab’s, what are your major problems with it?

Caveat: I haven't used Gitlab in a couple of years, but before that, part of my role was to set up Gitlab CI systems for different projects, so I got a lot of hands-on experience back then.

Gitlab CI is 3-4 different systems on top of each other wearing a trenchcoat. Every so often, they realise they can do CI better and come up with a new syntax for everything (see stages, which got extended by dependencies, which got superceded by the needs mechanism, or only/except which got replaced by rules). Obviously, they can't easily remove the old syntax, so pipelines very quickly become a mix of different mechanisms, some old, some new, with weird, unpredictable, and usually poorly documented interactions between them. You can try and only use a restricted subset of well-defined Gitlab CI, but part of the problem with modern DevOps is that most developers are not very experienced with the CI syntax, and will just find snippets on SO that do what they want and leave it there.

Apart from that, the documentation overall tends to be very poor, and the implementations are often buggy or missing functionality (a lot of searches for "Gitlab CI <thing I want to do>" would just link to an open ticket in the Gitlab repo describing exactly the functionality I needed, and dozens of comments going "yeah, this is necessary" and "a silver level customer needs this functionality to continue using Gitlab"). There's also lots of stuff that relies very heavily on being and to configure everything in YAML. other CI systems also have this problem, but often provide mechanisms to write individual tasks in other languages so you distribute, say, the "deploy this Docker image to our k8s cluster" task as a standalone unit written, tested, and reviewed in a real programming language. Gitlab CI has a very basic version of this feature, except it's still all in YAML, it's almost impossible to test, and it's very difficult to configure these tasks at all.

Fwiw, I've done plenty with Gitlab CI, and it's not like it doesn't work. It is perfectly fine if you don't have particularly complex needs, and the runners mechanism seems fairly easy for system administrators to get started with and get working. But overall, the whole system feels only half thought-through, and trying to do anything complex tends to require a lot of hair-pulling and confusion.

> other CI systems also have this problem, but often provide mechanisms to write individual tasks in other languages

GitLab CI allows to run a bunch of commands in any Docker image you specify. The Docker image and/or your scripts may be self-written.

How do you find, for instance, GitHub Actions more advanced?

> How do you find, for instance, GitHub Actions more advanced?

Being able to easily tap into an ecosystem of existing re-usable functionality (actions) is a great and pretty advanced feature that requires a very different (and more advanced) set of abstractions than running “a bunch of commands in a docker image you specify”.

Not that it’s a perfect system, but a core CI system with a decoupled layer of “things that run on that CI system” is a great model.

For example, the core of GitHub actions doesn’t have anything built-in that clones repositories. That’s a first-party action (component) that GitHub develops, releases and evolves independently. But you can roll your own if you want.

Not sure if you're aware, but Gitlab has had cross-project 'includes' for a long time, and publishes a big chunk of templates for these on gitlab.com.

They've also introduced Components a year?(don't hold me to that) ago, which is more akin to the GitHub actions model.


While components look great (and I wasn’t aware!), it’s still just the same old “template-metaprogramming-with-yaml” that includes are:

> Avoid using global keywords in a component. Using these keywords in a component affects all jobs in a pipeline, including jobs directly defined in the main .gitlab-ci.yml or in other included components.

This is very different (and a whole lot less advanced) than being able to run a 3rd party GitHub action written in JavaScript, alongside another running in its own container image, mixed in with your own steps.

Because Gitlab CI bakes everything into one layer it’s much much harder to evolve and extend, and so it fossilizes whilst being unable to shake it’s baggage.

FWIW, I always found GitLab's CI to be mostly a Travis clone with a few improvements. CircleCI started in a similar place but seemed to improve faster for a few years. Eventually I moved everything to GitHub Actions which always felt mature beyond its age and I've never looked back.

Roughly my issues with GitLab CI was that it didn't provide sufficient primitives for a) breaking up the build into a granular build graph, b) correctly passing artifacts between build graph stages (caching wasn't a good solution), and c) guaranteeing at-most-one task in a critical section (such as a deployment). It has been a few years since I last checked on these, but it also sounds like the product hasn't move much recently.

"Backlog of bugs grow every year" - that'll be written on the postmortem of "what happened to GitLab?"

> Instead they focusing on AI when the rest of features are unfinished.

That’s extremely common now unfortunately.

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