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Good on that casting director.

Bad on Disney for subsequently greenlighting Mufasa: The Lion King (2024).

Today’s puzzle took me awhile to get, and I enjoyed the challenge!

I’m curious how much difficulty falls off over time after regular play. I’ve only played one puzzle, but without expanding the rules of the game, I feel like the following approach is all I’d need to solve any other puzzle pretty easily:

1. Build local early to save taps. Two squares touching can be painted with 1 tap and 1 flip. 2. Use taps in the middle of the game to create “pivots” for flips. 3. Big and “obvious” symmetries are solved with flips towards the end, taking advantage of “off the edge” squares getting ignored. 4. Fill “islands” (white squares without a corresponding white square for any axis of symmetry + pivot + valid flip) last with taps.

Did you ever try it with hexagons and 12 flip directions? >:)

Your strategy is sound, but the steps become non-obvious on harder puzzles.

Today’s and yesterday’s were easy for people that play a lot.

There was one last week that took me a shocking number of tries, I was getting victory texts from friends at 11:50, people who’ve played for years never solved, etc.

Agreed. The UX was pleasant, but the gamification felt slimy, and the surfeit of throw-every-topic-at-the-wall push notifications really turned me off.

(Actually, I turned _them_ off, and promptly forgot about the app over a year ago.)

For me, json and yaml formatting and analysis. ChatGPT is pretty decent at the following real work tasks I used to use less robust tooling for:

- pretty print and indent “json-like” string (ex. Python object str) from a log, or json with typos (extra commas, wrong quotes, imbalanced brackets…) with a summary of errors at the end.

- verbal description (numerically listed) of the changes between two commits of a yaml file, esp when order has changed making git diff hard to read.

> 6 or 7 years ago...it took multiple days to get a simple home network with a single AP and a single router set up.

I just tried the same thing last week and it took an hour (half of that was mounting it to my ceiling). I only set up a WAP though, no controller.

> tourist trap

We visited Blue Lagoon on Monday. It’s definitely a tourist destination and slightly gimmicky, but overall we enjoyed it. It’s organized, relaxing, and a great photo op.

Maybe the term is fair if you’re expecting something “authentic locals” do, but it has none of the long lines, price gouging, or disgruntled staff of real “tourist traps” I’ve landed in.

I still remember going to the lagoon back when there were only a couple of portable container houses there for changing your clothes before going in. No charging, no tourists, almost no people.

Back then, before the commercialisation of it (which btw I am fine with) it was just what it is; the run off from the Svartsengi powerplant.

Are any OpenAI powered flows available to public, logged-out user traffic? I’ve worried (maybe irrationally) about doing this in a personal project and then dealing with malicious actors and getting stuck with a big bill.

You can set hard limits on the api when you configure billing, so you know your monthly bill will never be more than $X

The name Square is extra genius because it also means “all debts settled”, like “After this final payment the two of us will be square.”

This usage is derived from code language used by Freemasons, because of their strong association with the carpenter's square device. It has basically entered the common vernacular at this point, but in combination with other symbology, it may signal that you are seeing a conversation between Freemasons.


Ha! I’ve used that phraseology for yeeears and only just learned about the Masonic connection. I think it’s safe to say that it has fully entered the common vernacular.

Along with "on the level".

I’ve had a similar idea in my mental “this would be a cool convention” list: .dotfiles/ or .dots/ , strictly for getting dotfiles out of the root dir.

The criteria is a little clearer compared to “config” files, which could mean a lot of things.

> An http server that doesn’t force you to write huge amounts of boilerplate?

I just started my first Go tutorials this week. One of them was go.dev's Writing Web Applications [0]. I was actually struck by the lack of boilerplate (compared to frameworks I've used in Java/Python/etc.) involved.

I get that it's a toy example, but do you know of any better write-ups on what a production Go web server in industry looks like?

[0] https://go.dev/doc/articles/wiki/

I don't think there necessarily is a default production webserver setup. People use different routers or frameworks, or go bare bones because they can.

You asked for an example, and here is one. This is my side project "ntfy", which runs a web app and API and handles hundreds of thousands of requests a day and thousands of constantly active socket connections. It uses no router framework, and has a modified (enhanced version of the http.HandlerFunc) that can return errors. It also implements a errHTTP error type that allows handler functions to return specific http error codes with log context and error message.

It is far from the most elegant, but to me Go is not about elegance, it's about getting things done.


The server runs on https://ntfy.sh, so you can try it out live.

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