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The argument here is that psychedelics are more than "chemicals" and comparing them to drifting in and out of sleep is not a real comparison. Can't argue against them sometimes being problematic though, of course, but the argument here isn't acknowledging the real psychedelic experience. If curious, check out some reports on https://www.youtube.com/@Vivec

What I compared to drifting in and out of sleep was merely one effect of psychedelics that people tend to be curious about, namely hallucination. Moreover one can very much approach these dreamlike states with a meditation-like, non-judgmental, non self-centered mental posture, and this is going to make their effects even clearer.

Cloudflare tunnels also create multiple connections to Cloudflare for increased reliability. See https://blog.cloudflare.com/argo-tunnels-that-live-forever/

Sinple. Provide a low effort option that rewards the user for their time.

I've discovered this way of looking at work as well, though I apply it more to outside of work personally. It really amazes me how much gets done when I decide "just do it for a chapter or two" or whatever the measurement is.

Coffee + L-Theanine = Balance

imagine not typing out the full/basic git commands the rest of your life and all the time that'll save though

imagine loosing your aliases. just learn to type and enjoy life.

Or you can spend less time typing and enjoy life

yes, but with a crutch

The worst case scenario is that I lose my .zshrc file and have to google commands again

Or, keep your dot files in a public/private Git repo and don't worry about that either. Also makes setting up new machines/users a breeze.

Yeah why would anyone not version control their dot files

How do you "lose" your aliases?

I believe lying to some degree must be done in order to meet the challenge of the modern tech job posting. Interviews do not reflect reality. I think we just need to demonstrate competency of core concepts, get the job, and then rise to the occasion as fast as possible.

If an industry demands the impossible, let's pretend we can do the impossible as well, and let reality be somewhere in-between the two. Being honest here only allows for the dishonest to succeed, so let's join them in mass self-deception.

This only works if you're ready to "download" the information you need once you're given the job though!

Would love you to elaborate on how you organize and catch up - it's a constant battle. I get a LOT done but I definitely sacrifice other aspects of life in the name of getting things done.

Back on the topic of blogging, I agree with your points about maintenance. I think if the goal is purely writing and having it be accessible on the internet, html and a minimal amount of css are going to have the lowest overhead, best performance, be portable, and be easiest to maintain, won't it? It depends on if you want extra functionality of course but if the intention really is just to write, html works fine?

Oh boy, this is a long one and a bit off topic but oh well...

> I definitely sacrifice other aspects of life in the name of getting things done.

You kind of nailed it. It's just a question of what kind of sacrifices you're willing to make. In my case, at a young age(20-ish) due to a million and one reasons(parents far away and unable to help, those supposed to be "close" to me stabbing me in the back without any hesitation whatsoever), this became my personal life. It sounds pretty sad that I spent most of my 20's buried in work but long-term, if that hadn't been the case, my mind cannot even begin to imagine how I would have been able to handle everything that came after that. And even till this day, sacrificing my personal life is always the simple and obvious choice, at the expense of some occasional gloomy moods of course. As a side effect, I became very self-sufficient, which does come in handy when someone close to me is facing a problem - I can give a hand. It also pushed me to develop some extreme pedantism which would make the stereotype for German pedantism look like child's play. But one of the most crucial things I do is I spent 30 minutes before bedtime reviewing all my todo's, appointments, arrangements and issues, 15 minutes of which I spend sorting them by priority:

1. Critical - near life and death situations, forget sleeping, eating or showering, tackle as soon as I finish the list.

2. High - Something that needs to be resolved within the next 2 days.

3. Medium - Can hold for a week but get to them asap.

4. Low - Completely trivial but annoying stuff like being out of coffee.

The next 15 minutes I make a plan about each of the things on the list, and set alarms, notes, reminders and routes if that involves going somewhere.

On the subject of notes - English isn't my first language, however unless any of the things on the list are strictly local, all notes are in English, even the coffee shortage: more resources online, easier to search and get informed if needed. I can't tell you how much time that has saved me.

As soon as priorities of type 1 and 2 are clear, life can proceed as normal. Now that you made me think about it, this process might have taught me to build incredibly elaborate and complex plans with little to no effort and being incredibly flexible. I really hadn't thought about it but there might be something to this, who knows... Bottom line is, despite a number of brutal challenges in the last several years, those few simple rules have kept me sane, have helped me solve all of them while staying healthy and fit. And at the moment I can honestly enjoy my weekend.


As for the blogging, and clean HTML - yes and no. It is definitely the easiest to setup and get running, I agree. But if I'm on the go and the only thing I have on me is my phone, writing HTML over ssh isn't really ideal. Which is why I built this - it renders markdown as HTML out of the box, so adding something is as easy as creating an .md file, adding a link, commit and push. This will take you 10-15 minutes to set-up but it renders well on all devices I've tried, and has absolutely 0 maintenance required afterwards.

Markdown files using Nextcloud - I can edit and the files on my phone/browser. When it comes to note taking, I want something fast and everywhere.

It even handles regex (and capture groups!)! I think the issue here though is that it's not always available by default depending on repo.

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