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I'd do that as a zsh plugin. If you do one that's oh-my-zsh compatible, it'll work with most of the frameworks, and you can install it by hand if you're running bare ZSH.

Then they just need to occasionally `git pull` to get updates to your company script collection.

I wrote a brief set of guidelines at https://github.com/unixorn/awesome-zsh-plugins/blob/master/W...

If you have them use a ZSH framework, (I recommend https://github.com/tarjoilija/zgen for load speed), the good ones can handle the periodic pulls for you automagically.

It sucks that we have to use our employer's 401k vendor. We should be able to have our 401k contributions sent to any valid 401k provider like Vanguard/Fidelity/etc instead of only being able to move it when we switch jobs.

Inspired by the various awsome-* lists out there, awesome-zsh-plugins is a collection of ZSH frameworks, plugins & themes.

Well, with ZFS you could squirt snapshots of /home to another box for backups. Since they're just the changed blocks, they'd be fairly small.

I'm not directly involved with our intern program, but I work with the interns.

We're looking for intern candidates for Fall 2014. Details for how to apply are at http://numenta.com/company/#team.

If you'd like to talk with a current intern, email interns@numenta.com and the person running the program can give your contact info to the current group.

Thanks, will do. If I may ask, what do you do there?

Back when I did IT consulting, I got better returns by bumping up the base rate and offering them 20% discount if they paid on the day the work was done, 15% if within 7 days, and and 10% if within 14 days.

Some customers will whine and moan about late fees and try to weasel out even if they're in the contract, but if you offer discounts for quicker payment, suddenly they're running after you to pay right away. At least in my experience.

Didn't think on that, thank you

Try out shellcheck - there's an online checker at http://www.shellcheck.net/, and if you like it, the source for it is on github at https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck.

See also antigen(https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen), it works with oh-my-zsh and makes adding extra plugins a lot cleaner.

Sure, it sucks for the company that talented people take a look at their process and fire them as employers, but how is that a bad filter for him?

The first impression the company gave him was "we have a bad process" for arguably one of the most important tasks they do - hiring. If they're broken about interviewing, why should he think that the people they do hire are going to be people he wants to work with? Or that any of their other processes are going to be less broken?

My current job (site reliability engineer) gave me a take home programming assignment, and one of the engineers did a code review face to face after I turned it in but before they gave me an offer. The quality of his review was a big factor in me taking the offer - I was impressed that they cared that much about code quality from a non software engineer.

I ran into this too. It was annoying enough that I ended up just using bitbucket.

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