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I think you misunderstand arxiv, blogging, and research papers.

(I've used/done extensively the three mentioned things before, including blogging in a research context)

arxiv is a preprint server. Blog posts can, sometimes, play the same role as research preprints. Research papers are fundamentally about having a _structured conversation_ about a topic.

This paper is arxiv at its best.

Oh I'm a self-admitted thief yes

You use it indeed to generate HTML output. For Python+Jupyter folk, that's most directly applicable to Jupyter Lab or Jupyter Notebook settings. You can use it with Jupyter book, nbconvert, or any other tools that convert .ipynb to HTML output...

(Disclosure: Quarto dev here) ..., like Quarto. You can use `great_tables` in code cells in Quarto to get great tables in your RevealJS presentation or website, https://quarto.org/docs/output-formats/html-code.html.

I mean, “differential cryptanalysis” doesn’t go through AD, but I would be surprised if it’s not possible to get pretty close to a discrete analogue to AD using bit flips instead of differential and abstract interpretation.

Such a cool structure.

I was so amazed when I learned about it out ~10 years ago that I wrote a little interactive thing in javascript + webgl for it. I hope you'll forgive my self-indulging here: https://cscheid.github.io/lux/demos/beauty_of_roots/beauty_o...

~ 10 years ago

The post itself has had a long HN life although relatively light on commentary. The first submission is almost 15 years old!


(disclosure: Quarto dev here). I'm a huge Observable fan.

Speaking entirely for myself, this space is so important that I'm thrilled to have more activity rather than less. Quarto's great and Observable's great. I hope folks pick the tool that's best for their use case!

I'm looking forward to learning more about which one makes it easier to see how various possible changes in the data are mapped to legible changes in the visualization.

... sorry about the weird question, but do I know you in person? (there's a tiny chance your comment is specifically an obscure inside joke from a past life of mine, and I can't stop myself from taking the bait if so)

(Hi there!)

If y'all haven't seen the kind of magic that Tyler does with ray tracers in R (yes, you read it right), you're missing out. Go click on that link!

(Disclosure: I'm a Quarto dev)

Folks have already noted that you can run content through any Jupyter kernel. That lets you run Python and Julia code in a familiar runtime environment, and without having to install the R runtime and dependencies.

I also think that our IDE tooling is pretty good. If you're running in VS code, we'll (for example) highlight problems in your YAML frontmatter, resolve document crossreferences in the editor, etc.

We do this in an editor-agnostic way, so the Quarto IDE tooling can be adopted by third-party. We (Posit the company) develop the RStudio integration and VS Code extension, but there exist modes developed by the community such as quarto-nvim.

A good way to think about Quarto is "a next-generation RMarkdown with many lessons we learned and an emphasis on multiple language support".

(Disclosure: I'm a Quarto dev)

This is an area we want to improve in the future. Most of the JS libraries can be disabled in the project configuration. We find that our typical user prefers to have access to the features those libraries provide, but I agree with you that we should be doing better. This is a place where some guided documentation would help. We're working on it.

With that said, we dogfood Quarto pretty seriously, and consume the content from mobile devices. I admit that we use devices that are likely in the 90% percentile of speed, but website performance is something we do take into account.

Wouldn't it be possible to parse the list of commands used and only enable the JS libraries which are actually required?

We do generally attempt to only include JS dependencies in the HTML output if they are used. We share those dependencies across pages in a website, so if a single page uses a dependency they all will pick it up, but if you have a minimal world view and disable the various interactive goodies, you should get a _relatively_ more thin set of dependencies.

For HTML output, using `minimal: true` in document front matter will give you very minimal HTML that should be ready to style with CSS (and pretty much no dependencies)

Frankly, that's easier said than done.

The complication is from the implied dependencies. If you've designed from zero to be able to track the requirements everywhere in the code base, then that's (in principle, though still not trivial) possible. But if you're looking to ship fast with a small team on the large feature set that we do have, then it's actually a better call to work on a system that has a fixed set of dependencies known in advance, and quickly iterate to solve other customer problems.

tl;dr: tradeoffs. We chose one that still serves us well, but it does come with consequences.

(disclosure: I'm a Quarto dev) You can also render _to_ Jupyter notebooks from .qmd files, in case that would be useful for your workflow. We've put a lot of effort into making Jupyter interop a good experience in Quarto, for folks in either the Knitr or Jupyter ecosystem.

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