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It is, what I like about crashlytics it's that it also comes with a distribution platform and engagement analytics

Yeah, I was hoping for rides request, I have many ideas with Uber and the TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon would been a great place to make one.

Wish i was there, it's been a long time since i went to a hackathon

I loved it, made me laugh, I need to share it!

I actually like the idea of having an smart watch, but the problem I see with the technology is the battery time, I don't really want to be charging my watch every 8 hours, I don't want to charge it at home, and at work. The more you can do with the watch the less it's battery will last.

If this is a real thing, I'm sure the watch will be a mostly dumb display that gets "smart" by connecting to your iPhone/iPod/whatever.

Something like an ARM Cortex-M4 hooked up to an OLED screen with a bluetooth radio for talking to the devices that do the real heavy lifting. You wouldn't need to recharge the battery on something like that every 8 hours.

That is a good idea, being a volunteer working with someone that motivates people will be a good experience

Not really, I mean we are trying to make a startup, no one has compensation when we start at least not economic one

If they don't share your vision and aren't getting paid you're not going to keep them around for long. People are often eager to help their friends but then regret what they've gotten themselves into when the task becomes too large.

You either need to find people as passionate about your idea as you, or offer them some compensation that they care about. There's no easy way to get good work out of people for free other than telling them they get college credit for it or that it's the only way to advance their career.

I might have problems sharing my vision, I know what I want, but I'm sure that im having problems to share it with the others

Are you a non-technical person leading technical people?

nope, I'm technical, usually I try to show them what i've done in the project to show them that i'm working hard and get them excited

It might backfire at times, they would be more interested to know how to succeed in what is being asked to do. Focus more on that direction than showing what you had done.

it makes sense, if i tell them how important is their role, and how we will succeed if they do it, they will be passionate about it

But for that you don't need to know Objective-C?

sure, but the benefits of using C# with MonoTouch over Objective-C is not because you don't have to learn Objective-C but that it can be a more productive environment to write the bulk of your code.

so if you love C# and know how Objective-C works, this is a great framework, lame I'm not truly a fan of C#.. So i guess it won't be a time saver for me.

I know, the thing is that my boss is a fan of .net and all of those technologies, and I'm not, even when I'm the one that will develop the apps, I know that saying that I don't like the language is a good reason to not use it, so I'm looking for cons and pros so that can make him or me change our minds

Ah, but the true reason is that you don't like the language. So anything else I tell you is actually useless, you've already decided you don't want to use the framework. The true reason is your dislike for C#.

I encourage you to read http://lesswrong.com/lw/js/the_bottom_line/ and think about how it's related to your current dilemma.

W/ regards to the framework itself, I think you should ask your boss why he wants you to use it. He might have some very good reasons! Or none at all. But that's very important context for the decision.

Thanks for the read, it really makes me think. He only wants to use it because is C#, he doesn't know anything about mobile development, in the end I guess the debate will be between cross platform vendors and native apps

I see that most of the limitations are about dynamic code generation, but it's on general because of the iphone?, so trying to do a java-objective c in these cases won't work?

I have never done mobile app development. I just knew of that link so I thought it might be helpful. ;)

It did, Thanks :)

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