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I don't know why you're being down voted either. In the moment I couldn't get past her wanting all of my things, and I couldn't get past having to do my presentation and letting all of my peers and company down. I froze and in the future that won't happen again, but you were right, I should have thrown my phone and hobbled away.

Because you're human! What do you think got your ancestors this far! Do those values no longer apply because we beat certain environmental elements?

Are we to suggest that community support is as vestigial as the tailbone?

You are correct, in hindsight, I would have handed it over, halfway through fighting it over, while bleeding I contemplated handing it over? What stopped me from doing so in the beginning?

I had the largest presentation of my life that night for a public audience of 200 people and letting my company and CTO down. I couldn't imagine losing all of my things and not being able to do so. Yes it was a very selfish driver at the time, but my brain couldn't move beyond that thought.

I want to be clear, because I understand that in my post it isn't clear. For the total of the entire event, she only had the knife out for maybe two minutes of it tops. The rest she was just following me around. And when she would get close enough, press into me, pushing me/threaten me.

I, being in an orthopedic boot, was unable to move at anything more than a quick hobble.

I'd be curious to see the numbers of how often Heroku pushes code to production, and also how often those pushes break the build.

Well, it may not be their fault: http://status.aws.amazon.com/

Sorry, what I meant was that I wasn't suggesting it was their fault, I was merely reminded of my own curiosity of wanting to build a better product but not wanting to break what a ton of customers are using and paying a lot of money for

Is this issue not to do with the AWS problems?

For some reason, that story seems to have fallen off the front page, so people may not know that the root cause is not Heroku:


Truthfully then by your own moral high bar, Shykes plugging of Docker should make you really uncomfortable. If you however allow yourself to take a step back and realize these threads are directed at real people trying to help each other with real problems, (Though arguably some do it for money) Then you can allow yourself to see it as helpfulness.

Because in reality, What is personal gain of plugging an open source free product that helps people?

Fully agree!!

The truth is, Does it really matter. People look at your skills or skills people think you're good at, and it allows you more breadth and job opportunities.

I feel this is a microcosm for our society today. Particularly in America. "Let's find a way to manipulate people into giving me money for doing nothing"

As a hardcore coder, a workaholic, and someone who came from rags to riches, I find this kind of behavior deplorable

Did you make your riches by making unsolicited phone calls to sell people stuff? I can't see why this would annoy you otherwise.

I'm assuming you're talking about the telemarketers.

One thing I keep seeing and feeling uncomfortable about, is this throwing layers ontop of layers ontop of layers until you are so far removed from what is actually happening, if one piece breaks down it's impossible to fix, and you have a ton of overhead. I want fast, simple, easy to hack, and something that just goes.

Isn't there a way to do this super slimmed down and light weight?

I've been keeping an eye on the ShipBuilder PAAS project - the minimalist Heroku clone written in Go. It is starting to look quite promising.

Quoting jaytaylor's comment [1] from below:

    > You may be interested in checking out ShipBuilder - it
    > is an open-source Heroku-clone PaaS.
    > ShipBuilder is written in Go, and uses Git, LXC and
    > HAProxy to deliver a complete solution for
    > an application platform-as-a-service.
    > http://shipbuilder.io [2]
    > https://github.com/sendhub/shipbuilder [3]
[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6292463

[2] http://shipbuilder.io

[3] https://github.com/sendhub/shipbuilder

Oh, Thanks! I'll check it out!

I just, (seriously, just) read an interview with Ken Thompson arguing that this over-layering is killing him.

Edit: It was in the book Clean Code.

Could you provide page number or chapter name or (preferably) a quote? I searched for "Thompson" in the book and couldn't find anything.

Hey, sorry i had two books in front me and misreported the title. The book is Coders at Work.

I just saw that book on a coworker's desk of mine, now I've GOT to check it out, thanks!

Hey, it was Coders at Work not Clean Code. :) I have both and I guess I mixed the two.

Layers are completely optional (though thoroughly encouraged due to aggressive caching.) If it doesn't fit your model and you're not interested in using the features, that's completely fine.

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