I haven't heard of this, but things move fast in the Kubernetes world. Trying to find a link to the KEP now.
In the meantime, Linkerd has you covered if you want to use Service Topologies in Kubernetes. Oh, and you can get mTLS and metrics at the same time. Cool.
This just shows the importance of day 2 operations. The first step is simply having the ability to collect the metrics, making those metrics actionable is the "leveling up" that it takes to run an application on Kubernetes.
Also, big +1 for the prometheus queries in this post. I still am trying to get my head around PromQL
I cannot stress this enough. Gather the right metrics, and you can analyze them how and when you wish. Gather the wrong ones, and there’s no coming back.
Anyone who reads these comments should be able to get an understanding of both service meshes without having to research other software.
Are you saying that istio IS kubernetes and linkerd is not? I don't think linkerd WANTS to be kubernetes.
I love your podcast, Craig, but this "hot take" is too hot to hold