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I believe it's not possible for third-party developers to create their own items in Control Center. The widgets in Notification Center, though, can be third-party.

Incidentally the "now playing" section of Control Center does work with apps other than Apple Music, including Spotify and all major web browsers, just like the media keys.

I'm no expert, but no. If I'm reading this database correctly, it's the single most common position at that point in the game: https://www.365chess.com/opening.php?m=3&n=14&ms=d4.Nf6&ns=7...

This is presumably not about this specific game.

Oh, drama then...

How should you know whether it's about accessibility? The `prefers-reduced-motion` feature is explicitly[0] intended to accommodate people with vestibular motion disorders, which are common above age 40.[1]

[0]: https://drafts.csswg.org/mediaqueries-5/#prefers-reduced-mot...

[1]: https://vestibular.org/article/what-is-vestibular/about-vest...

If it's really bad, couldn't they apply userstyles that disable all animation with `!important`? `prefers-*` settings seem somewhat optional, best-effort, based on their name.

Sure, please write it, ship it, and then support my 8+ aging family members who need to use it.

Or just follow the spec.

There's some overlap, but ads aren't the only thing using this. Google Fonts is the classic example of something that does add value (nice fonts) to a webpage, and as such isn't blocked by most adblockers (including uBO) by default, but is still able to use this for tracking because the same domain serves the font files on every website using them.

Very insightful response. The tendency is to look at the cookie problem as an advertising problem. Whereas, there are other cross-origin use cases that are not adverts but pose the same tracking threat. Anything on a CDN (like common javascript libraries) share this trait.

As the second link in the article[0] points out, this app exists precisely because they're removing that, i.e. Macs don't ship with python installed anymore.

[edit] More specifically, they've already stopped shipping with Python 2, and stated their intention to stop including any scripting language runtimes at all, including Python, Ruby, and Perl.[1]

[0]: https://twitter.com/chockenberry/status/1511388397855645703

[1]: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/macos-release-note...

One more sad nail in the coffin of general-purpose computing devices.

No, you were always much better off installing Python yourself than using the system's Python, which mostly served to get in the way.

I see where the GP is coming from. The old system installations of Perl, Python, and Ruby could be thought of as the 2000s equivalent of the ROM BASIC on early microcomputers -- an easy way for anyone with access to such a computer, even a child, to start dabbling with programming. But I suppose today's equivalent is the browser dev tools, or maybe Swift Playgrounds on current Apple computers.

The difference is that the barrier to entry is so much lower now. If I were trying to help someone just starting out, I would point them at something like repl.it instead of whatever is preinstalled on their machine.

The system Python and Ruby installs on macOS at this point are more of a hindrance to newbies than a help. You have to explain the differences between versions and hope they don't have to deal with any conflicts.

  > The system Python and Ruby installs on macOS at this point are more of a hindrance to newbies than a help
true, though it wouldn't be so bad if macos had a built-in package manager instead of needing to reach for homebrew (as great as it is)

Yes, once you were up and running and knew what you were doing and what you needed, but the default install meant there was very little friction to first time programmers dipping their toes in the water.

There was a ton of friction trying to use pip. Same with ruby gems. So a lot of tutorials for web development put you in a pickle quickly.

Depends on the tutorial I guess. I learned python back in 08/09 so maybe the landscape has changed but I had already written full pieces of software before I ever worried about installing 3rd party libs via pip etc


> It's just like on windows

That is, non trivial to try.

I don't think it's unreasonable to say that there's friction involved in finding what you need, finding it, waiting for a download and then going through an install process which might require admin privileges.

No one said anything about it being difficult or hard to figure out, just that some curious minds who might have started playing around in the REPL will might now pass on the opportunity and miss out on the fun, and that's a pity for them.

> No one said anything about it being difficult or hard to figure out, just that some curious minds who might have started playing around in the REPL will might now pass on the opportunity and miss out on the fun, and that's a pity for them.

This is a valid point. The difference though these days is finding the REPL would likely trigger a google search anyway since the internet is so ubiquitous. Developing nations would of course be an exception to this though I guess.

My first introduction to programming was typing code from the C64 manual into my C64. It's a shame they don't include a self contained learn to program environment into modern operating systems.

What if you don't have access to the internet? it's not exactly trivial to download stuff if you're for example from a developing country or simply poor.

As a kid, I got a lot of mileage of whatever our computers came pre-installed with and I don't think it's a bad idea to bundle a scripting language with the machine, simply to have something to tinker and play with without the need to download anything.

On macOS, the installers provided by python.org aren’t the best way to get Python either. (pyenv or homebrew would be better; python.org installers do weird things and have no uninstaller)

Honestly I couldn't disagree more. Reducing friction is always good for newcomers. I got started writing code on systems that already had compilers installed because they were already installed. When I used Windows I was slower to start because the tools were not already available. 20 years later, I'm now a software developer.

> If you can't figure out how to click next next next then you have no business trying to learn python yet.

This is rude IMO. Who are you to tell people if they have "no business" to learn something?! This is the kind of gatekeeping that keeps curious newcomers out of tech.

Yeah, that was worded somewhat aggressively. I guess what I really mean is you should learn and know how to click next before you learn actual code. If clicking next is an insurmountable obstacle you are going to have a very rough go at learning to code.

I don't get where you are getting the 'insurmountable obstacle' from. I learned about computers from exploring around, typing things, seeing what happened, etc. I loved to know what my computer could do already on its own, without external tools, when I was like 13.

Yes, I knew how to click 'next next next'. Everybody does. That just doesn't have anything to do with learning about computers though - going to a website and downloading a package is not and should not be a prerequisite for learning to code.

Why is going out and finding a python package, downloading it, and clicking 'next next next' a prerequisite for someone to learn coding? I could suggest as well that if you think you need to do that, then you're definitely not ready to learn to code! (Though I would never, because that's silly gatekeeping). Certainly these days you can use a browser to code anyway, without downloading packages at all!

So why is it such a requirement that someone click 'next next next' in order to learn? What if they don't want to? Why is that so offensive that you think they can't learn to code?

Imagine a world where the majority of people became reliant on food being delivered to their door, to the point that it became uncommon to store fresh ingredients at home.

Someone growing up in that environment would surely be less likely to experiment with cooking for themselves than someone living Ina home with ingredients already in the kitchen.

That's not to say that going to the store would be an "insurmountable obstacle" for them, simply that the idea is no longer normalised and the barriet to entry is now non zero compared to "just start and see."

In an alternate universe they could have done something about it, the same way a debian ships with a version, and if you don’t want it you change it.

Apple is no small startup that can’t maintain an update system (could have been just part of the xcode tools), so I kinda resent them for dropping the ball completely.

Well, I'm irritated at them for exposing a system Python at all, because I need Python to actually work, the way I need it to, so my point here is: Apple can't win.

It's a single line copy, paste & enter from brew.sh.

This might be the closest to the "just install jquery" advice I can think of

That’s a Python issue with how janky their language versioning and package infrastructure is, not an issue with shipping a language.

Nah, it's just raising the barrier of entry slightly for newcomers.

For the real coffin nails, I look to the gradually-increasing difficulty of installing software that isn't signed by a developer registered with Apple. Fellow frogs, is it not warm in here?

This game definitely helped me to wrap my head around the changes Flexbox allows with inline/block axes, but looking back, it really glosses over the actual "flexible box" part, i.e. child elements growing and shrinking, intrinsic sizing, etc. Are there any similar resources that touch on that aspect more?

I made https://www.flexulator.com to visually explain the spacing algorithm for the grow and shrink properties. You can add/remove children to see how the algorithm calculates the width as the viewport size changes. Hope this is useful!

yeah, the 'flex: 1' or 'align-self:stretch' types of things really are what gets the typical website column and rows type layout to work.

Flexbox Zombies is what you're looking for I think.

Not exactly – the "Homer Simpson" yellow emoji came after the initial (Apple) emoji font, which just had all the humans looking white, with no other options.

Long before non-Japanese started calling them "emoji", we had "smilies" and they were yellow.

Yes. PhpBB and my Nokia feature phone have had yellow smilies since before iPhones were a thing.

This is untrue. Not that any of them look like Simpsons characters, but the only emoji option on iOS for like five years was the yellow-shaded cartoon face. It's still the default skin tone in most emoji sets.


The cartoon faces have always been yellow, but the human ones, e.g. hands or gendered faces, were not until 2015 (on iOS). https://emojipedia.org/apple/iphone-os-2.2/

There was a lot of discourse about it at the time. https://www.fastcompany.com/3016256/are-emojis-racist

This is false. The first emojis were Japanese in origin and were the first to use yellow faces. Apple copied the existing style from the Japanese illustrations.

This is a pretty clear example of the "make the product worse" ticket, though. The interoperable way has been in use for decades—it's just "use an http:// link like everyone else"—but this is them spending extra time to deliberately prevent interoperability

It's true this is nice, but it's no replacement for a browser extension, and only does anything while you're at home.

I haven't left my home in what feels like 1000 years

Unless you’re also automating a VPN connection to your home network when you leave it, which can be very helpful if you’re running something like pihole

You don't even need extensions, that's available in the stock developer tools. Though you have to be on the site at the time to access it.

Firefox crippled extension support several years ago, denying them access to the internal APIs for JS code.

... this, despite the fact that all the APIs are there, and internally, FF is essentially a bunch of "chrome extensions" on top of the C++ core. That is, the only thing that was removed was the ability to _load_ extensions.


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