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I assume that YC is looking for people who have validated the market and have established that a market exists before sinking time and effort on the order of years into a product with no customers.

Code is relatively easy against the task of meeting with customers and finding the right fit for your product.

I say this as a coder who much more prefers the scratching of a technical itch to the thought of finding a customer who will pay.

He is not applying to YC, he is looking for a co-founder with a working product. The co-founder needs to come with more than "I can sell".

Read the comment I replied to.

I agree with this advice. The OP should decide which itch should be scratched; learning to make a game engine or learning Rust. Doing both is just making things overly difficult.

I had a question I needed to answer. The domain name is the question.

"Why choose Vala" would be helpful.

vala been around quite a long time too, would be nice if their app showcase showed some more mature apps

There's also a lot of apps written in Vala for elementary OS's AppCenter with screenshots & links to GitHub: https://appcenter.elementary.io/ (not all, but most). I published two apps there and using Vala has been a great experience for creating Gtk/Linux desktop apps.


an apps list is here

else you have : Pamac-manager is on vala Gnome-Boxes gnome-calculator

Yeah it would be nice if there was a list with screenshots of applications written in Vala, on the vala homepage, with links to the applications websites


I am aware of the list, but all these apps are very basic. I was looking for something a but more involved

There are very few reasons to.

I was explaining the same to my wife. I think the last one was in D.C. and it felt the room was spinning slightly. Today was quite a different experience and truly scary for a moment as it started to ramp up and seemed like it wouldn't stop getting more intense.

tldr; delete your bookmarks.

I don’t bookmark anymore unless I have a present and pressing need. Instead, I copy the information to my personal note taking application and try to provide enough context to make it searchable. I gave up long ago trying to push my learning into the long tomorrow and instead address what is ahead of me that is in my control.

Yes, but be careful of repetitive stress injuries that can occur. Mix it up and don’t go too intensely. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

This is not surprising. When an investigation gets underway, the company being investigated will notify employees that any assets relating to the subject of the investigation should be retained. Typically, this covers all physical and digital documents and communications.

Which some employees may interpret as wink wink destroy everything...

They might, but HR will (or at least should) fire anyone who does that - that is guards escort you from your desk to the door. Then to add insult to your bad day, you get summoned to court for your contempt of court hearing. It is to the companies advantage to turn in anyone who attempts to destroy everything - it shows the court they are serious about saving everything which might be useful if they need to claim something was an oversight. Of course if you are the subject of that wink wink thing - assume they are trying to make you take the blame for the company.

Not that they are likely to be able to do much. My company first presses the button in exchange to lock everything electronic I have so I cannot delete it, before they let me know that I need to save everything (or so they claim...). Thus I cannot really delete anything. I might be able to shred something, but who keeps paper records of anything (and if by chance I do have one, odds are it is a printout of something where there is still an electronic copy). While I don't know what company you work for, it they have any size at all they should have similar processes in place so there is nothing you can delete - but the act of attempting it will be noted and brought to court.

Very good points!

3:45, but I’m terrible at my job and this proves it. You should consider turning this into a testing process for interviews. I would say this is a pretty accurate proxy for my daily work in finance related work.

Same, but even missing the deadline was realistic.

Manager: This is urgent, fix it today. Dev: Rush rush, miss deadline.

Manager: Ok no problem, let's move the deadline by a week just in case.

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