I've been keeping an eye on the ShipBuilder PAAS project - the minimalist Heroku clone written in Go. It is starting to look quite promising.
Quoting jaytaylor's comment [1] from below:
> You may be interested in checking out ShipBuilder - it
> is an open-source Heroku-clone PaaS.
> ShipBuilder is written in Go, and uses Git, LXC and
> HAProxy to deliver a complete solution for
> an application platform-as-a-service.
> http://shipbuilder.io [2]
> https://github.com/sendhub/shipbuilder [3]
I tried out SB today and so far I am impressed...it ran my Django app with zero issues. Definitely planning on pushing my company to start using this for their deployments instead of Heroku.
This is really cool. I've been waiting for a way to give all of my employees their own virtual phone number, and since almost all of them have iPhones anyways, this looks great!
Would love to see an Android App for this (I have a Nexus). Anyone know what their current plans are for the droid ecosystem?
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