people who use python more aren't as happy about it, otherwise mypy wouldn't exist.
i use python more, can't recommend mypy enough, it's great for what it is. it has warts, but that's to be expected if you add an optional strict modern type system to 20 years of dynamic language.
A large part of why mypy exists is due to cargo-culting groupthink that leaves the 'static typing > dynamic typing' trope less challenged than it ought to be. Static typing is just not as useful as the glossy claims - and the boilerplate cruft incurs way more friction than typists like to admit.
mypy is great, I use it in 'public' api's, tricky parts where context alone is inadequate and where I previously fucked up - the latter usually is a signal that the flow or abstractions can be improved to the extent that I can remove the typing hints.
mypy helps me, it does not force me to throw a goat into the lava pit to appease the compiler.