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well, it's comforting to know that the safest conditions to be struck by lightning are also the most likely... seems there is some potential danger of dashing between buildings while dry! but if you're stuck outdoors, you're probably going to be wet anyway.

don’t conflate decentralized with distributed

Computer bad. Phone bad. But small airplane screen? Small airplane screen novel and good.

can you elaborate? rust iterators seem quite capable of streaming in the fashion you suggest.

If I have a buffer in a library and the external API is “append to buffer”, each append will do a bounds check. I’m not aware of an iterator API would work especially considering that the iterator would hold ownership of the buffer which would be incompatible with the call flow returning to the user after the append.

very nice demo.

are layoffs healthy for large organizations? intuitively it seems like you’d have thorny complexity ratchets if you never shrink. but the economic pressures probably force sloppy decision making…

The PHP ecosystem has never been healthier or stronger, and that has much improved what used to be an enormously buggy stratum of the web.

> The PHP ecosystem has never been healthier or stronger

... which is not saying much.

in the accessibility settings of iOS one can enable “button shapes” which renders hyperlink-style underlines on buttons masquerading as text. very handy for me. also appreciate differentiate without color, on/off labels, and high contrast: it is much faster for my ADHD brain to navigate iOS with these affordances, relevant details are more salient and my brain has more chance to build a visual hierarchy.

There are some great options hidden there! There's a zoom (I use 3 finger double tap to trigger) and you can have it read the text on a page for you.

It's a robotic voice, but it's pretty great if you want someone to narrate eg daring fireball length posts to you (and you can speed it up to 1.5x+ speed)

my favorite is under audio you can play some basic background noises like white noise or water, macOS supports this too, surprisingly effective and builtin, no shady app store needed :)

Maybe I was hallucinatung more detail than was there, but I found parts of the book had stunning parallels between the themes of each storyline, where the symbolic struggles by each cast of characters informed or reflected somehow the struggles of the other.

take "programming" to mean "scheduling" and the ancient crusty term acquires some meaning.

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