MGM Resorts allowed nearly a quarter-million dollars in winning wagers to be placed well after the games already started, according to an ESPN report.
The bets were allowed to be placed because incorrect start times were posted on some Chinese and Korean baseball games due to a manual entry error. Nearly all of the bets, about 50 in all, were placed on self-serve kiosks at the Bellagio between 1:30 and 3 a.m. Sunday when the games in question began at 1 and 2 a.m.
From applied control theory I intuitively knew that a cascade of issues resulting in a system instability had overwhelmed the pilots. I now see this arrogance of data science based software engineering being inserted into business, industry and social systems. As an abstract example Facebook's attempt to stabilize the politics on its platform through algorithms. More concretely in the hydro dam control systems in the Pacific Northwest. Specifically in this damned Boeing 737 Max control system. Control systems need rigorous testing through simulation not accidents.
The Google News redesign makes reading the news difficult. My 24 inch vertical monitor- right have nav has 11 inches x 3 1/4 inches of blank grey space. Too much blank space to content ratio. You had one job...
My 2008 Macbook died in March, that triggered me to mostly use my 2013 Pixel for dev. Although I do have an 27 iMac at home.
My dev is mostly Web Dev + GCP and moving to Firebase (canonically all front end dev). Hence even though I have Ubuntu via Crouton, I rarely need a local Fuse file system. For node work and CLI work I spin up a GCP VM. The VM costs about $13 per month, but I turn the VM off and pay pennies for storage.
For apps written against the "native" Chrome API, Google Drive is presented as a filesystem the same way as the local filesystem - any service can expose itself similarly via the [chrome.fileSystemProvider API][1].
Recommender system algorithms typically personalize search results based on similarities to items recently watched, purchased or simply added to a shopping basket. More advanced recommenders suggest based on past history (well YouTube seems to). I don't find personalization by similarity offensive. If I watched a Netflix movie starring Sidney Poitier, I'd expect recommendations to view movies from top Black actors of all time. I see this as ranking on similarity not on racial bias.
Yup. When I was reading the Horatio Hornblower books a while back, and Amazon suddenly started recommending books by Patrick O'Brian and Dudley Pope, I didn't arrive at the conclusion that Amazon's algorithm was "racist" with respect to 19th Century British naval culture.
Satya Nadella is a software company guy with the vision to turn Microsoft around. Does Nadella get picked this time around or in 4-5 years after a biz guy continues steaming ahead in Ballmer's shoes?