I refuse to accept that the lack of spelling mistakes and the careful use of language is evidence of AI.
I can be sloppy, but I've known Real Humans to take great care with their written language.
I use an analogy with perfect pitch to illustrate colour-blindness to those with regular colour vision.
People with perfect pitch can be played a note on a piano, and identify it sight-unseen. "That's a C-sharp", they'll say confidently. Most others can tell if a note is higher or lower than another, or can pick an interval.
Regular colour vision is perfect pitch for colours. Most folks can identify a blue or a green in isolation, but some like me can only see relationships between colours (one is "bluer" or "greener" than another).
I get most of my recipes from YouTube these days. I can see the technique and result, which is valuable, but I make my own notes in a format that suits me, sometimes like Cooking for Engineers (group ingredients, do process, add next group, etc) but usually with a lot of bullet points and terse sentences.
Writing my own notes is great for understanding and retention. They get printed out, then tested to earn the right to a plastic sleeve and a place in the folder! Analogue with a digital backup.
I just finished a project that introduced features for both signal injection and signal extraction. So now we can enjoy both SIN and SEX, sometimes at the same time.
> Counter proof: since BC's 15% foreigner tax was implemented, has the Vancouver housing market cooled off? No. To the contrary, it has actually heated up even more. This indicates that the "illegal Chinese dirty money" that the wonderful local Vancouverites keep spouting is not, in fact, the driver of this growth. It's too bad because they are such an easy racial scapegoat, aren't they?
It could also be possible that the Chinese market for Vancouver houses is inelastic enough that the foreigner tax doesn't have teeth.
I'd suggest this is already occurring, given the uncertain purity and dosages associated with the supply of recreational drugs. Probably a fair amount of placebo-effect too!