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In my country shitting on sidewalks, had higher priority than health or liberties. Dog walking was allowed, while exercise and outdoor activities were prohibited.

Society already excludes many people due to expensive housing, education etc... Living as hermit in a van is not that bad. But society should not expect taxes from excluded people :)

That is not how it works. Most people can not get vaccinated right now, even if they would want. And frankly nobody cares at this point.

I was robbed at gunpoint in Colombia. I argued with robber I want to keep my passport and will take my cards from wallet. In US they would shoot me just for good measure.

It's fascinating to me that everywhere that I've traveled and lived in South America (including Colombia), people seem to have this narrative about the locals that they'll "just shoot you and go through your pockets after." I've not seen any evidence that it's based in anything except media-cultivated fear of their own culture. I'm not used to hearing it said about the US, but with the constant pushes here to keep us afraid and willing to give up civil liberties, it makes sense that I'd run into it one day.

This is so far from reality I'm fascinated as to where you've gotten this idea from. Is your concept of the US based on comic books or old spaghetti westerns or some media in your country?

The odds of getting shot by someone wanting to take your wallet is just so close to zero that it literally never crosses my mind. I'm more likely to die getting struck by lightning or having a meteorite fall out of the sky and hit me.

I want to make sure I understand your argument. You're suggesting you're more likely to be murdered by a mugger in the US than in Colombia?

Thats actually a well known phenomenon - in countries where kidnapping is widespread, the kidnapper is a 'businessman', they are not there to kill people and they evade justice and keep low-ish profile.

By contrast in US crininals know they will likely spend many years in jail

It's factually incorrect and easy to verify by comparing murder rates. Colombia's murder rate is 8x higher than the US. Stating that you're more likely to be murdered in the US than Colombia is ridiculous.


Yes, Colombian guy was polite.

Pandemic has shown that mRNA vaccination manufacturing is a question of national security. I do not think those patents will be enforceable, if another pandemic starts, and countries decide to make their own vaccines. And countries like India, China, Thailand or Russia have pretty advanced biotech manufacturing and research.

India is manufacturing AstraZeneca and other vaccines for export. Prior pandemic India manufactured 2.3 billion vaccines annually. Patent fees are big part of expenses.

RNA based experiments are doable in most university labs. It is 2021.

> RNA based experiments are doable in most university labs. This is 2021.

There is a huge difference between doing RNA experiments versus manufacturing millions of doses of mRNA vaccine without errors or contamination.

I know enough financially broke startups to confirm that a working prototype is only a small part of a successful business.

The approach to intellectual property in China is much more open, partly because the leaders understand that technical expertise is more than just a one-off design, and competitors probably can't enter the market without significant capital investment and risk. In the case of healthcare, I suspect that regulators will prevent any vaccines manufactured with sub-standard procedures, such as those made in university labs.

very easy is to serialize both objects and compare binary data.

It seems clear that if the serialization matches, the objects are equal. It is not at all clear that if the serialization mismatches, that the objects are necessarily not equal, just that they are possibly not equal.

Not so fun fact. ROS1 does this to compute hashes for their message format, but they do it wrong, so that every ROS1 system has potentially catastrophic deserialisations going on.

It's a wontfix because they'd have to recompile their packages to fix it. Yeah, talk about quality...

There is also a concept that only close friends and family matters. People outside of this circle do not really count as people. Putting poison in milk is not "good enough" but malicious action.

There was similar mentality in soviet countries.

This sort of things was not uncommon in Victorian times in the UK (and I'm sure everywhere else). This is partly what led to all the health and safety regulations we have.

Many things in China are similar to Victorian Britain: Industrialisation and economic boom, infrastructure boom, can-do attitude even if it breaks a few things along the way, selling whatever to make a profit (In the UK it was not uncommon to cut flour with plaster to make cheaper bread and cause malnutrition in poor children, for example)

It is trivial to secure windows with plastic foil, glass will literally become bullet proof.

Real problem is if attackers would activate ALL alarms in entire city, night after night. Or your "smart doors" would tip attackers that owner is away from home/

This seems to be a mild deterrent at best.

most doors can be kicked down fairly easily. A window with plastic foil is only as good as its framing.

I guess it depends on who is trying to break in and why.

I remember reading a reddit AMA from a former burglar and he said that these windows did stop him, because he would be looking to get in and out as quickly and inconspicuously as possible and these would slow him down enough that he would try elsewhere instead.

So, for a random opportunistic burglar, they may work quite well, but for somebody determined or someone with more time (eg if you live in a secluded area and they know you're away for long enough), there's always a way in. I've watched enough lockpicking videos to know its not that hard and enough defcon talks to know that lockpicking is rarely necessary. If someone determined wants to get into your home, they will.

Exactly - it’s the old joke about not having to run faster than a bear in the woods - just faster than the slowest membe of your party :)

Deviant Ollam has some great talks on physical pentesting and simple, affordable solutions to common attacks. You can find them on YouTube.

Even the walls of most houses are fairly easy to get through.

> It is trivial to secure windows with plastic foil, glass will literally become bullet proof.

Here's some $50k windows that Nordstrom in Seattle was using that used that film. The windows couldn't stand up to Antifa with hammers, which makes me question the bulletproofness claim. It might not be the same exact stuff that you're claiming, but I'm guessing it is due to the description ("due to their thickness and a protective film that internally self-adheres after strikes or damage"), and that this has happened numerous times to them in the last year and I'm sure they're tired of replacing them and went for the best, strongest windows they could. $50k-70k EACH seems quite expensive for a single display window.


Having worked on those very windows. They are also expensive because of other films and treatments to that glass that filter certain light that damages the items displayed behind it. Also they are just really big pieces of thick glass.

I find this attitude VERY disturbing. Cars are target comparable to industrial infrastructure, but with weak security. USA has many enemies, there is constantly some sort of hacking scandal.

Next time there is a mass scale hack: a few dozen people die, grid lock for couple of days, hardware worth of billions bricked.

And US government can bomb any country it marks as an attacker....

Good thing if that happened there would be outrage for a week and nothing actually done about it.

Think of the chaos if people didn’t feel safe driving their cars. You don’t need full control to achieve that.

Many people made loss last year and still have to pay. Argument is essentially "I should not pay any taxes, because I spend all my income on house renovation".

The argument is the law allows for deducting of business expenses. The law does not allow for deducting of house renovation expenses for personal taxes.

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