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Right, see the "Handling interruptions" section here: https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/realtime/integration

"Configure this game of life to be 13 transitions before a state that spells 'Opt out' in block letters to opt out of cookie collection."

Plot twist: the 'Opt out' is only 12 transitions away from a Garden of Eden configuration, making it force opt in

A little more intuitively, 1 semitone is one "note", aka the interval between two successive notes on a piano (including white and black keys) such as C to C#, and to talk about intervals less than that, we use cents as 1/100 of a semitone.

Musically, two notes an octave apart vary by a factor of 2 (e.g. Middle A (A4) is 440Hz and the next A (A5) is 880Hz), and our ears hear frequencies logarithmically rather than linearly, so each of the 12 semitones in an octave is a factor of 2^(1/12) higher than the previous one (so that 12 of them in a row result in doubling the frequency), and therefore the 100 cents between each semitone are each (2^(1/12))^100 = 2^(1/1200) greater than the previous one.

The gyroscope and haptic feedback in the apple pencil pro seem pretty cool for artists and other creative uses!

Yeah, it looks pretty awesome, I am just a little afraid of the price. I want to see one of these in person so I can feel the textured screen. Does it actually have a "feel"? I currently use a textured screen cover for iPad art and it has a great feel but everything else about it is terrible, from the mandatory daily cleaning to the way it grinds pencil tips.

But I guess I will never find out since it would cost $1548 to replace my existing 12.9 iPad Pro, net of the trade-in. Yikes. Could probably get double the trade value they are offering on eBay or Craigslist.

How would you interface with rust-analyzer to make it do this? As I understand it rust analyzer acts like an LSP to your IDE, which in turn doesn’t let you just make raw calls to rust analyzer

In addition to the already mentioned Command Palette, macro expansion is also available as a quick fix, either by clicking the light bulb icon when it appears, or triggering it via hotkey (Ctrl+. by default).

In VSCode it’s just a command away (on the command palette).

Obligatory two xkcd's, but I'm super excited about this project! Definitely going to try it out.

https://xkcd.com/1987/ https://xkcd.com/927/

I strongly disagree about Snow Crash. I abandoned it halfway through because the style struck me as cringily cyberpunk. Relatively cool plot but the style just wasn't for me.

However, Seveneves to me is everything I could hope for in a sci-fi book, and I Anathem had amazing world building. I can't speak for Diamond Age, but based on the four books I've read (Termination Shock being the other), I thought Snow Crash was wildly different from the rest.

Snow Crash was one of the archetypical cypherpunk stories, which was a trend that often mocked if not outright took a piss over cyberpunk.

I find it a lot like a variation of "the cyberpunk dystopia arrived but not as cool as we imagined", but not as boring as what actually happens.

> I abandoned it halfway through because the style struck me as cringily cyberpunk.

I believe that was fully intentional.

The main character's name is Hiro Protagonist. He's definitely leaning into it.

Yeah totally! Just not my preference.

> However, Seveneves to me is everything I could hope for in a sci-fi book

Serious question: what did you think of the ending and plot closure?

To me, the first 2/3 of Seveneves was a good thriller, followed by and then a miracle happpened, followed by probably the book Stephenson wanted to write.

This to me feels like most of his plots.

For me, the ending was a little rushed, but fine. It tied up at least some of the plot elements from the first part. Yes, it was like two separate books, as if Niven and Pournelle's Lucifer's Hammer was mashed together with the TV version of Asimov's Foundation, but both parts were pretty good.

I feel the same way. I’ve had a few false starts with Snow Crash, each time powering through about half despite my love of the imagery and the coolness. But have easily read Seveneves 2-3 times, with the last time somewhat skimming the third part, which isn’t as good as the rest.

I thought Snow Crash was basically a satire of cyberpunk.

I mean the dude's name is Hiro Protagonist.

Underlined rather emphatically in The Diamond Age by the literal murder of the clichéd cyberpunk character right out of the gates. Quite an unambiguous statement about What Will Not Be Happening In This Book From Now On.

That's probably the key part. If someone goes in expecting earnest sci-fi like Neuromancer and the satire part doesn't click early on, they're likely to be disappointed. (That being said, IMHO there are some aspects of Snow Crash that come off as low-effort, independent of the satire.)

In your example, 1 and 2 are twice as likely as any other number, because of the 22 possible results of n%22, 3 through 20 all only have one result that yields them, but 1 gets generated by 1 and 21, and 2 gets generated by 2 and 22. You could adapt your algorithm by adding "if the result is greater than the range of values you're picking from (i.e. 21 or 22 in your case), try again with a new number."

    >>> import collections, random, pprint
    >>> pprint.pprint(
              ((random.randint(1,10000000) % 22) % 20)
              for x in range(10000000)
    [(0, 908920),
    (1, 908264),
    (2, 454167),
    (3, 456019),
    (4, 454551),
    (5, 455183),
    (6, 454127),
    (7, 454308),
    (8, 454939),
    (9, 454602),
    (10, 454963),
    (11, 453117),
    (12, 454046),
    (13, 453812),
    (14, 456243),
    (15, 455025),
    (16, 454101),
    (17, 455072),
    (18, 454409),
    (19, 454132)]

Nice catch, I adopted your sugggested improvement: )

Neat idea, definitely going to use this! Thanks for sharing

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