My current project is TrendBowl ( which summarises trending entities across multiple sources on the web, including Mastodon and Wikipedia. On a 24 hour basis you can see which terms are relevant in different languages and sites.
It is implemented in Go, Python and JS, with support from Postgres, TimescaleDB and Kubernetes.
Why no Twitter/X? I believe they have an API that you can use, but they've locked down scraping pretty hard. The API should be cheap however, if you're only scraping trending once per day.
Originally I had Twitter support, but they changed the API around and it ended up not working any more, see the project blog for more info:
The Pro subscription to the API now seems to be $5000 per month!
Yeah we did it this way on an app I worked on in the past, try the verbatim input and then a couple of minor variations in casing if it didn't work.
I've also found that for email fields you need to be careful to normalize the input (trim, casing) as safari had a habit of autocorrecting the first character to be a capital
I find apps that don’t trim the whitespace for the email field so annoying in terms of UX. I usually use a Text Replacement shortcut to fill in my emails (e.g. “gml” fills in my GMail address, “cld” my iCloud address etc.) and that always inserts a space after the email and I have to manually fiddle with the cursor to delete it.
>I've also found that for email fields you need to be careful to normalize the input (trim, casing) as safari had a habit of autocorrecting the first character to be a capital
Why is that relevant? The standard technically allows for case sensitivity but nobody does it
It can be problematic when you go to look up the account by email address during login and it isn't found due to inconsistent casing.
It's technically true that the part before the domain can be case sensitive, but as nobody does this the gain in UX from people not having to know the exact casing used during sign-up is worth it to me.
Ah, it's a bit ambiguous though: not GP, but I read you as meaning do they store both versions' hash and check against either.
Actually I realise GP is equally ambiguous. But I read that as (and my own assumption would be) frontend retries with the variation, backend verifies against the same only one stored.
If you're actually using a 'strong enough' hash to prevent easy cracking if your hashed password database is leaked then you're doubling the server load which can be quite substantial in some cases.
Because you are changing the daabase schema to introduce a stupid version field to store "normalized" passwords rather then just doing the check twice on mobile platforms.
Hashing takes a lot of CPU time. And btw you don't even need to change the database schema. You could encode the version in the password field itself. Django does this and it works great
The database would contain existing passwords without normalization.
You also you have to hold the unnormalized password.
Super silly to do that to save a few processor cycles on login.
It's amazing how much misinformation is in this thread. You should do further reading on password hashing and rethink whether you really have to store two different passwords...
Sounds like the requirement might be for the case insensitivity of the first character to only be for some platforms (eg mobile devices where autocapitalisation might have happened).
In that case this solution would have the disadvantage that it wouldn’t be platform specific.
Of course they hash the password. Of course they don't know the capitalised version of your saved password, but they can know the capitalised version of the password you just entered
But how did they know which punctualion characters to remove from the password?
You may try 2 versions of first letter, but do they go as far as bruteforce removing all the % character combinations from the password, unless they did remove them all?
Assuming the password is sent over the wire (rather than the salt being sent to the client, the client doing the hash, and sending the hash), the password will be stored in memory while the login process runs
In practice is there really any difference between allowing a client to try 10 passwords before 'lock out' (say no more attempts for 10 minutes), or try 5 passwords before hand.
Certainly it’s not definitive though. This could easily be accomplished by storing multiple hashes, or multiple password checks that alter the user input, but still have Google keeping hashed passwords. Definitive example could be something like them doing a password recovery where they send you a plaintext version of your current password.
Is this going to be world-wide or US-only? The former will probably mean a lot of legal hassle, but it would be nice to be able to participate from elsewhere in the world...
Interestingly enough, in this case that would have worked. If you only counted the votes of the oldest accounts, the comment in question would have had negative points.
The 2D projection of a spherical shell isn't a uniform disc – it does indeed look more or less like a ring. (Consider the rough analogy of a swinging pendulum – it spends most of its time near the edges of its swing.)
From the page you linked: "Notice that the electron is most likely to be
found at one Bohr radius from the centre, in approximate agreement with the classical atomic model." That's approximately a spherical shell.
It is implemented in Go, Python and JS, with support from Postgres, TimescaleDB and Kubernetes.