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Isn't it the way perl scripts write their documentation? I don't know what makes it good for personal knowledge systems from reading the introduction

Perl's POD, yes. But you're right! The spec authors are Perl folx, and this is clearly derivative. What's kind of interesting is that POD stands for "Plain Old Documentation" and then there's a "lite" version of it... so "lite-r Plain Old Documentation" --- I don't see a clear summary of the differences, though.

> I know several world class programmers, and interestingly, the commonality among them is that they all seem to use Vim as their code editor. Many people I know who think of themselves as world class programmers use Emacs.

Curious who and who?

I've known many world-class programmers who use Emacs, among them Kalman Reti and Steve Summit.

Most of the diehard Vim users I encountered were kind of in the DUVASWUV camp (DHH Uses Vim And So We Use Vim), i.e., they came to it as part of the whole Rails memeplex. That said, vi(m) and Emacs used to share the throne as the canonical Unix wizard editors because they were nearly ubiquitously available, consistent in UI across the decades, and they rewarded proficiency (each in their own way). It was a reliable assumption that a halfway decent programmer in the open-source tradition would be quite familiar with one or the other, if not both.

Vim? I remember DHH was the premier TextMate evangelist. All his videos were TextMate only.

Being a Rubyist and using vim is definitely a thing. Looks like I was off about DHH being the origin. It certainly wasn't Matz, he uses (and contributed to) Emacs.

he still uses textmate afaik

Every android phone maker in China has to curate its own app store, not because it is fun, but google decided to play hard ball. Not saying it's google's fault.

With co-processors, he's saying.

At one point, I even went back to Win10. But it's become so bad. Now I find myself a happy mate desktop user.

Wow, John Mearsheimer is now a Russian propagandist? You can disagree, but you may want to listen to one of your best thinkers in international politics.

This fellow was completely and utterly wrong about Putin, saying that he'd never invade.

How can someone be proven so wrong about their life's work and still be called "one of your best thinkers in international politics."?

He predicted this crisis in 2014, and I think he has been quite consistent on saying Putin will act, just that Putin will not occupy Ukraine. Now there is the possibility of Russia taking the eastern part, but his main thesis is still valid: the west should leave Ukraine as a buffer state.


> He predicted this crisis in 2014...

The article you linked was written after Russia had already invaded and annexed part of Ukraine, so it's not a very impressive prediction.

"If you really want to wreck Russia, what you should do is to encourage it to try to conquer Ukraine. Putin is much too smart to try to do that." John Mearsheimer, 2015.


Today you and me can debate what "conquer" means, but if policy makers follow his advice, this war won't happen at all. I think that's what really matters.

Nonsense! Putin had always planned to rebuild the USSR. Ukraine, Moldova,... he was going to get them back piece by piece.

Putin's argument that Nato was a threat is just a distraction. There's nothing Nato could do if Ukraine joined Nato that Nato couldn't already do without Ukraine.

Mearsheimer's argument that Russia should be left alone to violate the sovereignty of her neighbours is just bonkers. Thank goodness he was ignored.


"If you really want to wreck Russia, what you should do is to encourage it to try to conquer Ukraine. Putin is much too smart to try to do that." John Mearsheimer, 2015.


While I am so frustrated that everyone is cheering on the powerless nation in a brutal fight they can't win, you just gave a most sensible solution that can spare us a total nuclear war.

I am not Russian. But this kind of blanket banning prompts me to migrate away as well.

If I am going to do this, I will at least go through all the heavily used domains, and address your notices to those pro-war website owners.

Isolation and hate will be the end of humanity. Love is our only hope.

My MBPs usually have battery issues after 3 years of use, by then well beyond warranty period. They always charge for insane amount of money for replacing a battery, when I always turn to a third party repair shop for about 10% of the amount given by Apple geniuses.

If you have the butterfly keyboard MBP, complain about the keyboard being broken, and you may well get it replaced under the "extended repair programme" - since the battery is glued to the topcase you also get a new battery.

Sorry, that doesn’t pass the sniff test. I recently replaced the battery on my 2015 MBP. The local shop quoted around $250; Apple, $180 IIRC. It was a full top-case replacement due to Apple’s poor battery design, heavily discounted because it was a battery replacement. The local shop couldn’t compete with the discount.

Your local shop would be out of business here. The insane amount Apple asked for, ~$500, is indeed for a full top-case replacement, and they didn't mention any discount to me.

Good until your Grandma calls you because some software require the admin password.

Or not worry about Granada at all

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