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It's made by Eclipse Foundation which was created to host projects around Eclipse the IDE. Kind of like project under Apache brand, Apache foundation and Apache the HTTP server.

Um, no. The enforceability about third parties discussed in this paper is about following situation:

1. A released the work under CC 2. A then transfer his economic rights of the work to B 3. then C used the CC licensed work in 1.

Under Taiwan's law, if we treat CC as traditional license then C has the right to use the work due to 1., but if we treat CC as contract then C can not invoke CC in 1. to claim usage rights from B. The author then proceed to argue that in the contract case, base on (1) If the type of use is unspecified, we should consider original intention (2) Principle of abuse of rights. Either B can only seek compensation from A by (1) or the transfer is invalid by (2).

Registered new variety of potato. PepsiCo invoke section 64 of this act https://indiacode.nic.in/bitstream/123456789/1909/1/200153.p... while farmers counter with section 39.

Thanks for the reference! I was wondering how this is possible. So looks like it is actually possible to get a trademark on a plant. How any country would want to agree to this is beyond me. Article 64:

64. Infringement.—Subject to the provisions of this Act, a right established under this Act is infringed by aperson— (a) who, not being the breeder of a variety registeredunder this Act or a registeredagent orregisteredlicensee of that variety, sells, exports, imports or produces such variety without thepermission of its breeder or within thescope of a registeredlicence or registeredagencywithout permission of the registeredlicensee or registeredagent, as the case may be; (b) who uses, sells, exports, imports or produces any other variety giving such variety, thedenomination identical with or deceptively similar to the denomination of a variety registeredunder this Act in such manner as to cause confusion in themind or general people inidentifying such variety so registered.

There do seem to be protections in article 39. With that limitation the whole thing does sound a lot more benign. Like they could just use a new name for the variety:

(iv) a farmer shall be deemed to be entitled to save, use, sowresow, exchange, share or sell his farmproduce including seed of a variety protected under this Act in the same manner as he wasentitled before the coming into force of this Act:Provided that the farmer shall not be entitled to sell branded seed of a variety protected underthis Act.

Explanation.—For the purpose of clause (iv),“branded seed”means any seed put in a package orany other container and labelled in a manner indicating that such seed is of a varietyprotected under this Act.

Yes, it's common for large scale collaboration experiment like this. Papers from ATLAS/CMS have about 15 pages for authors (for example https://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.00425.pdf https://arxiv.org/pdf/1804.02610.pdf).

Um, sorry, no. Long time (since 1.0) FF user here, on some site it's same as chrome, but on picture & JavaScript heavy site (such as Facebook) FF is simply not smooth as chrome. Also if you don't regularly restart FF (my experience is between 3 days to 1 week), whole FF instance just starts being unresponsive. This whole experience is the same before and after e10s introduction and is consistent across lots versions. (I just use TreeTabStyle and uBlock Origin in case someone wonder if it's due to add-on, and remade a clean profile around version 51.)

I think the problem is that china is lagging behind the whole "modernized, scientific fight training is way better than romanticize traditional fighting technique" thing and the KungFu novel just increased the myth. Which leads to that certain percentage of people joining the club/learning martial art because they thought they can be real strong after training. One can image that it may cause this industrial collapse if they admitted "this is nothing more than your typical jogging/yoga/whatever sport" publicly.

The only problem is, chinese martial art keep claiming that they're great at combat. When they quote the "art" part, generally they just want an excuse to say that "it's not we martial art not as good as modern stuff like MMA. We're just sparing people."

Oh, that's certainly delusional. As a kid, I learned a martial art, and looking back it's clear to me it was much more use as meditation than combat training.

Except that the UI is so bad that you can only discover a few top ranked (whatever it means in this UI) projects or the project you already know it exists in there.

Agree. Over use of animation. All these are good examples.

If Google has 50+ projects, then it's best to just have a page with multiple rows, each row is a category, and upon click can expand down to what #3 looks like. Or perhaps just GitHub README... it's pretty nice to read.

[1]: https://netflix.github.io/ [2]: http://twitter.github.io/ [3]: http://etsy.github.io/

The problem is that we have over 2,000 projects, so simply listing them all on one page doesn't work very well. Hence why we built this directory, which allows browsing by category, by tag, by language, as well as full text search.

Fire the UX guy, the interface is terrible.

Firstly wayyy too much useless animation + distractions. This slows down every aspect of the interface making it annoying to use.

The default of showing just miniature icons of projects provides ZERO useful information. After clicking 'next' and waiting an eternity for the animation to finish, you are presented finally with some information, just a title and description.

In this mode there is no way to know when you've finished seeing all the projects in a category (no clear end).

The no ending is solved by changing the view to the grid based one. But guess what, grids fucking suck for text, they are good for images, we don't scan data grid by grid for sentences, this makes it insanely difficult to read, or skim - ie. read first four words, decide no interest in that particular project, now you have to keep moving your eyes right - which you would normally do if you're INTERESTED and since this is text, you're forced to look over more text from the project which you don't want - in a list view, your eyes go down to the next project, your brain has a clear new context.

And of course nowhere can you see latest commits, total commits, language etc. You know, stuff that matters.

If only there were some way to search such a vast number of project listings. Some type of engine, perhaps.

Maybe, if they do not find anything, they could use lucene ;)

A "search ... engine" ? Noo. That would be too far out.

If you can't handle 2,000 projects, how are you going to handle 20,000, or 200,000?

The Debian Project last I checked (a year or two back) had over 60k software packages. It's got an interface for delivering those. Actually, several interfaces, and the ones I prefer and use are commandline and filter through grep, if they don't provide their own search interfaces.

And those are platforms which are noted ... for their relative lack of software availability. (I think that criticism is ... misguided in several ways, but on a sheer quantitative basis, there are some pale merits.)

If Google cannot figure out how to manage, organise, present, and offer useful search interfaces to a measely 2,000 pieces of software, then, with all due respect, get the fuck out of the way for someone who can.

Okay that makes sense now. 2000 project is indeed no where easy to implement a nice interface. My two cents: perhaps display top and some random.


We recently thought about on how to do this as well and created our own Open Source page [1]. Not sure if we have done it right, but I quite like it. Happy to receive some feedback on it. It's nothing huge, nevertheless we're quite proud of what we've achieved.

[1]: https://mobilejazz.com/products/opensource

This is nice, I like what you've done with the logos

They're very cute! And the effect is elegant and nice.

Well, all of it only really helps you discover the featured ones, because the list was opt in. The total number is in the thousands.

I routinely click through the google and gcp orgs, and I hadn't seen quite a few of these, a couple of which I'd really like to use. Congrats!

Thanks. What you said definitely exemplifies the problem we were trying to solve. People often look through one or two of our GitHub organizations, but don't realize that we actually have over 100 of them. Plus many of our projects aren't actually on GitHub (or at least only mirrored to GitHub). The goal of this directory was to help discover those projects.

the circling-bubble UI is terrible. But you can use list based UI to filter the ones by tags.

I agree. The bubble UI is cutesy but otherwise completely useless. I'd say they should drop it altogether, and stick to the list UI as default.

I could be improved by just not being constantly moving so you lose track of what you've explored and what you still haven't.

There is an option make into a normal list its on the upper right hand side.

Except that this thing happens many times long before Trump and not limited to US. comments in this thread https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13741746 tells lots such story happens years ago.

Fortunately (at least for now), Firefox uses N:M process:thread model instead of 1:1 like chrome (I am typing this in Firefox with 40+ tabs but using only two processes and with a chrome with single OneTab's tab using 10+ processes....) and it allows you to turn off e10s in about:config.

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