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this is cool. I would want the retro to be recommitted back to a different git repo as a merge request, though. I don't like more emails.

May as I ask how you're dealing with authentication/authorization? I always hit a wall monetizing side projects when I need to provide auth. I feel like I shouldn't have to roll my own auth system, but inevitably I do.

I'm not sure what your environment of choice is, but I use Python with Django which has great built-in email/password auth and a really nice user admin tool[0] if that's all your looking for.

For third-party authentication/authorization, I use the python-social-auth django integration[1]. It has a massive number of third-party systems that it can connect to and it's really simple to get it set up. I would guess your language of choice has similar tools. I know passport[2] for nodejs is a solid choice.

[0] https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/topics/auth/ [1] https://github.com/python-social-auth/social-app-django [2] http://www.passportjs.org/

CNNs are used in NLP all the time for a range of problems. see Collobert and Weston's work, NLP (almost) from scratch.

even in images, you're able to zero pad the input.

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