I hate sprints. Developers are not machines. We don't crunch through work like an assembly line worker. We don't work at a consistent rate. Sometimes, shit happens you couldn't possibly predict. Sometimes, you want to go work on something else for a while. Sometimes we can't accurately say how long something is going to take until we're half way through.
I just don't understand the point of boxing yourself into a set of work for X weeks when you could just use Kanban and pick up/put down work when needed.
“serfdom” is a good way to characterize it, since it’s a lot harder to save money (and eventually be able to rent/buy a real place to live) if you have to go out for meals, entertainment, and meeting your social needs.
Pods are trying to normalize bare minimum shitty living conditions with high rent.
Imagine paying $700 and not having personal toilet, kitchen, bathroom, a place to keep your things or even a place to comfortably sleep/sit. This is pure exploitation unless it's an exotic tourist attraction.
I’m not using Cursor because I don’t want my code to go through yet another middleman I’m not sure I can trust. I can relatively safely put my trust in OpenAI, but Cursor? Not so sure. How do I know they’re secure?
Steve Jobs once said something about working back from the desired user experience to the technology. What Microsoft is doing here is the complete opposite. They’re making the technology fit the user experience.
How do you even define ASI? How do you know it will run on silicon? If it will run on silicon, what kind of silicon? GPU? TPU? Binary? Ternary? Von-Neumann architecture? How can you even start to build chips for something completely imaginary?
ASI is just AGI but scaled to the point of superhuman ability in all cognitive tasks. Surely it will run on the architectures used to build AGI before ASI takes control itself in the design and deployment.
> ASI is just AGI but scaled [...] Surely it will run on the architectures used to build AGI
The words "just" and "surely" are doing so much heavy lifting here that I'm worried about labor-laws. :p
If scaling up was "just" that easy and the next step would "surely" begin in the exact same architecture... Well, you've gotta ask why several billion general-intelligence units made from the finest possible nanotechnology haven't already merged into a super-intelligence. Or whether it happened, and we just didn't notice.
Hmmm, perhaps there's a sweet spot where someone is nuts enough that you think you can take over the stuff for cheap when they crash and burn, but not so nuts that there's nothing left to pick up.
Yeah, I mean, what else would you do with those chips? Run LLMs faster? Sorry but the killer app is still not there, the majority of people do not care and have no use for them.
There are a significant number of uses, it's just most of them involve generating slop for the purposes of fraud or feigning work.
I thought it was really damning how Apple's recent ads involved a celebrity using it to respond to their agent about a script proposal they didn't actually read.
I don't have papers but I think calculators, which are amazing and necessary, impact people's mental calculation capabilities. I know I used to he better at multiplication when i didn't have calculators all around me.
IMO, AI will have similar impact. Great advance overall but will nerf some areas of our mental capacity.
Like astronauts losing muscle mass faster in zero gravity.
AI impact on our brain, just like the calculator, might be a reasonable price to pay for the advancement it gives.
> I know I used to he better at multiplication when i didn't have calculators all around me.
My manual calculation skills were at their peak in seventh grade in school, when we were allowed to use a calculator for the first time (and thus the exercises got harder) but simultaneously I usually forgot to bring mine.
But yeah, I don't think I could think better in general, when I did arithmetic better.
Russia could easily “convince” a CA based in their country to do them a favour to facilitate MITM. Or just gather the right kompromat needed to convince one overseas.
I just don't understand the point of boxing yourself into a set of work for X weeks when you could just use Kanban and pick up/put down work when needed.