If you’re comfortable with php writing an importer for Kirby is simple, checkout their cli YouTube video. Nice modern api and easy to import content. Being flat file if there’s a mistake, just delete the content folder and import again!
Im 44 and program 1/2 the time than when I was in my 20s but I take better decisions so I’m twice as effective. Less rewrites. Less taking risks with the hottest framework in town. My apps just work and last long without rotting
Senior programmer here.
Yeah. You’re in a spot where you need a senior programmer and a couple of juniors but can’t guarantee steady work for them long term.
Also, in house software needs to retain knowledge, otherwise the knowledge disappears when the senior resigns.
I’ve 20+ years experience with business like yours.
Contact me.
Location: Mexico
Remote: yes please
Willing to relocate: Depending on cost of living, why not
Technologies: C#, PHP, laravel (advanced), Typescript, React, Vue, Wordpress (I’m guru level on this), SQL and the mountain of related tech for web.
Résumé/CV: +20 years experience in tons of websites and web apps. Small and large.
Email: eduardoarandah@gmail.com
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