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get the project taken over by a foundation eg the Apache Foundation.

Those are false equivalencies. The EU bureaucracy is a mess of competing factions. It isn't a corporation or a political party. A better analogy would be a US Government department breaking a law.

Ideally there are are legal avenues for redress in your situation. If there are not, that is more likely to be the problem than a conspiracy of propaganda.

I agree with you, but this is what happens in reality. Laws and regulations get abused more than they get used, unless they are very well written. The minimum would be to require the EU itself to not use Microsoft 365 and other services that they have explicitly tried to counteract with their laws.

Change the word "propaganda" to "marketing", if it is offensive to you.

You get ads outside the UK, which is always weird for me when i get back from holiday and have a bunch of shows i downloaded while I was in another country and haven't listened to yet. Actually, I say bunch - but I've deleted everything except In Our Time. Australian Broadcast Company does more better podcasts than BBC these days.

The BBC is another bad actor in this space (although increasingly irrelevant). Their decision to "hide" most of their RSS feeds whilst still labeling their proprietary app subscribe links podcasts was unethical.

I see hope in the Patreon model. I don't mind paying a monthly subscription for a specific show if I get a locked down RSS link.

> I see hope in the Patreon model.

Though, podcasters on Patreon are getting high on their own supply, asking for way, waaaay too much. "Just" 5 bucks a month? For one show??? Completely out of touch. Come back when it's ad-free @ 50c, or less.

I dropped the two BBC podcasts i'd been interested in (News Cast and In Our Time) for this reason, it's such a weird tack to take in order to chase views.

I have IOT still in my Antennapod feeds, last episode from 25 January.

I support a few podcasts on patreon. They have regular open RSS feeds and then a locked down patreon feed, containing special episodes, extra material etc. One podcast only charges for each locked episode, so if they don't make any for a while I'm not charged. They are all pretty niche and I don't know how much they earn from it, but from a user perspective it's working fine.

The last time I checked, you can see publisher revenue on patreon.

Each publisher account can decide whether or not to show that.

I'm trying to understand what you mean by this. Their podcasts still show up in e.g. Apple Podcasts and Pocketcasts. If you look at the 'podcasts' page for e.g. '13 Minutes to the Moon'[1] (which I hadn't realized there was a third season of), there is a (small) link to the rss[2]

[1]: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w13xttx2/episodes/downloads [2]: https://podcasts.files.bbci.co.uk/w13xttx2.rss

i think the reason is fair, but unfortunately it is a dealbreaker for me. i would definitely have got one earlier this year if it had had one.


It might even be correct. Occasionally.

You think even ten years from now, much less 1,000 years from now, whatever LLMs turn into won’t be at least as capable as the best human of following code paths?

We can spin up a million of them and run them at 10,000x speed.

Keepassxc is great and works well with keepass2android via file sharing.

I can imagine how the password sharing would be a problem tho.

H1B is a lemon market for those signing up just the same as those surrendering their passports and ending up a working prisoner. Each might luck out, but they're more likely to get exploited and regret their decision. And it gets worse every year.

H1B might not meet the legal definition of modern slavery even though many are trapped just as effectively by the system but everyone in evolved with employing them is morally compromised just the same.

If the H1B program is really this bad, and if everyone involved is truly morally compromised, would it be better for the US to shut the H1B program down completely?

Surely you can think of something more nuanced than that extreme option? You can fix the visa program such that you can attract the most talented immigrants and treat them with respect for the contributions they make to your society?

I’m proposing an extreme option in response to the extreme criticism. If the US in enslaving people, we should stop that immediately.

> AI could take over and supplant a global government, threatening society, life, wealth etc etc.

How would we tell the difference?

When humans no longer have the final decision in a given situation.

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