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More than a third of respondents to his survey either strongly or almost agreed with the documents point of view.

Not realizing that the mind is supreme and the mind is fallible.

I loved Dalton. He was such a hard bastard.

Quite true. I personally don't have a problem that PC 64k intros today will leverage the GPU as much as possible, with all the help from the driver code that that implies. It's how they stay current and awesome. Of course anyone writing a 64k intro with no help at all from the GPU except perhaps context creation and teardown is just giving themselves more creative limitations that I would respect.

There're 64k demos that use software rendering only.

Do you know if that's specific category?

Indeed - I used to write them when I was young and had more time :)

It's unclear what exactly you're agreeing is "true". If you're agreeing with the "incorrect to conflate", then it is true that it would be incorrect, but not true that this needs to be pointed out.

With only a little bit of investigation, or even participation, it quickly becomes entirely clear that compos divide entries by hardware, and people in the demoscene don't ask oldschool 64ks to measure up to PC 64ks.

I recommend having a look at the various compo blocks on pouet: https://www.youtube.com/user/RevisionParty


We've banned this account for repeatedly violating the guidelines after we've asked you many times to stop. We're happy to unban accounts if you email hn@ycombinator.com and we believe you won't do this any more.

Ah, you're just really bad at communicating and get upset when people don't recognize your innate "cred".

I tried to be nice to you because what you said was ambiguous, period. But i guess if that's how you react then you deserve those downvotes.

Claudius's confession of murder in Hamlet comes right after Hamlet has put on a play to prick his conscience. This girl's confession comes right after her friend reads Claudius's prayer.

Quite extraordinary that after centuries, Shakespeare's words could still prick consciences in almost exactly the same way and for the same reasons.

I find few poets and writers as affecting as Shakespeare.

You find yourself transported into the minds of the characters.

Doestoevki comes to mind, although I always found him to be best at describing a specific kind of mind (or at least it seems that way to me).

Aldine Cursive reminded me immediately of Operator's monospaced italic font.

It's criss-crossed with fiber, the ICT policy is very open and the leadership friendly. Also it's a small country.

And landlocked, no natural resources, just a lot of people, so they need to export something to get foreign currency. IT is ideal so they are educating for that.

Also safe and not corrupt. Can't bribe yourself out of a speeding ticket there...

When I hear Rwanda I can't thinking the genocide that happened there only 23 years ago. Has it changed so much since those days?

It's completely unrecognizable.

They've made incredible strides.

Just a nitpick on an otherwise excellent piece: Annapurna is actually the most lethal mountain in the world, just ahead of K2. It claims 34 deaths per 100 safe returns over K2's 29.

To climb K2 in winter is extraordinarily dangerous. It's dangerous enough in season. But the Poles are the hardest of hard men in these situations - good luck to them!

I was surprised to learn that. I always assumed it was K2 because it's widely said to be the most difficult peak to climb.

The one quote I found online from Ed Viesturs:

"Annapurna is all about objective danger, it's all about the glacial architecture. There are these big ice cliffs and seracs, and the question is: are the seracs leaning forward or leaning back? It comes down to that." His account of the Annapurna climb and his earlier failed attempt on Annapurna is chronicled in his new book, Himalayan Quest: No Shortcuts to the Top.


No Shortcuts to the Top is no longer a new book, but it's a great read, especially as something of a counterbalance to Into Thin Air.

To nitpick your nitpick-- there are different metrics for deadliness. By sheer volume of deaths, Mont Blanc might be on top with 6,000-8,000 (estimated).

~30,000 skiers and hikers annually makes that rather misleading. Consider, NYC has vastly more deaths, but it's not particularly dangerous.

Sheer volume is meaningless unless we know how many times it's been successfully summitted. Mont Blanc is dangerous because it's easily accessible to lay people and despite being advertised as a 'long walk' can turn deadly very quickly.

Annapurna on the other hand has been climbed less than two hundred times in history, all of those people were elite mountaineers and further third of them didn't make it back.

Wasn't a large proportion due to one avalanche though ?

That's equally misleading imo.

Denali is pretty bad as well.

I've been using this recipe for a good seven or eight years now and it has never let me down. But you really do need an oven that is capable of 800F. I eventually knuckled down and bought a small dedicated pizza oven with a thermometer.

How often do you make pizza?

Several times a month.

I need a friend like you. LOL.

Because it's so easy. From the manual:

So here's something to pop up a message box on Windows:

    local ffi = require("ffi")


        int MessageBoxA(void *w, const char *txt, const char *cap, int type);


    ffi.C.MessageBoxA(nil, "Hello world!", "Test", 0)

Bing! Again, that was far too easy, no?

Compare this with the effort required to bind that function using the classic Lua/C API: create an extra C file, add a C function that retrieves and checks the argument types passed from Lua and calls the actual C function, add a list of module functions and their names, add a luaopen_* function and register all module functions, compile and link it into a shared library (DLL), move it to the proper path, add Lua code that loads the module aaaand ... finally call the binding function. Phew!

I did write a Lua binding to TCC [1] and used that to write a Lua module to load Lua modules written in C directly from source code [2], which I used in an older version of my JSON decoder [3], which contains the C code embedded right in the Lua source code.

On the down side, TCC doesn't support all the architectures I use, so I mostly use it for proof-of-concept and throw away code.

One thing I keep thinking is to possibly use TCC (or parts of it) to parse C header files directly, so it would be easier to use an FFI in Lua.

[1] https://github.com/spc476/lua-conmanorg/blob/master/src/tcc....

[2] https://github.com/spc476/lua-conmanorg/blob/master/lua/cc.l...

[3] https://github.com/spc476/LPeg-Parsers/blob/json-1.0.0/json....

In fairness, luaffifb seems to give the same feature.

I think the main argument against Lua + luaffifb is that it might require an external dependency: luarocks. Whereas if someone were to theoretically provide Lua integration with emacs, it might be a good idea to offer the ffi library as a baseline feature.

This is a weak argument, because it should be possible to embed luaffifb plus Lua inside of a linked library, with no need to depend on luarocks.

It's probably best to explore both options.

Well, LuaJIT will also JIT compile Lua code operating on C structures - so speed could be another big argument.

As I linked in the above post, the ffi is available for normal lua too: it's not exclusive to LuaJIT

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