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One of the few times I don't check comments first, and yep can confirm I should have. The moment AI showed up in this article I closed it. Sigh.

PREFACE: I am politically neutral. You can all fight it out for yourselves, it's fun to watch.

> I think TikTok is filling a void for Democrat messaging that Republicans/Conservatives have ie: Fox, conservative youtubers, breitbart, etc. The left is doesn't have this

Fox/Breitbart -> The left has plenty of media outlets that pitch their side, like CNN.

Conservative Youtubers -> There's not a single liberal/democrat Youtuber? weird...

Not to mention that, up until it started imploding, Twitter (and Facebook to an extent) were both considered heavily left-leaning if not outright liberal. Saying that "the left doesn't have a way to get their message out" just feels outright dishonest to say.

*EDIT:* I had a long conversation with a good friend of mine about the distinctions between "liberal" and "left" here. I acknowledge that I was make an incorrect (and commonly dangerous) equivalence between the two of them, which makes the claim of "left" not having as much media outlet more true (though I would still argue that it's certainly not to the extreme extent suggested by the parent).

Cnn is not "the left", and if you identify as being right of it, then it might be time to abandon your claims at political neutrality.

It only takes a few seconds of googling to see all kinds of studies that cnn is consumed by Democrats more often than Republicans, and one does not have to be a Republican to understand that, contrary to what you seem to be implying.

why pile more suffering on top of their current amount?

I fully agree with this advice as to a way to communicate your actual feelings in a sentence. Emojis don't work here, but the difference between

"I have no idea what I'm doing... :D"


"I have no idea what I'm doing... :("

is a large one, and having that to communicate it is quite handy.

THAT SAID, to @ccakes -- while I agree with your statement, it unfortunately doesn't help the OP. They specifically said that they have a problem with INTERPRETING comments in the worst possible light. The solution for that will not be to use more emojis themselves -- they would need their coworkers to do so.

If you start using emojis with coworkers you interact with frequently in a way that seems useful, at least some will start using them as well.

I always use conventional comments (https://conventionalcomments.org) because of a similar issue, and whenever I join a new team, I find other people start doing it too, without even explicitly pushing it.

I know this type of comment (and my own) is more common to reddit and commonly frowned upon in HN threads, but by god this made my morning thank you.

FYI, that's what the little arrow next to their name is for.

I like this informative reply

I mean this as a genuine question (not an indictment), and as a complete blockchain/crypto noob who has just been a spectator:

Why is this the case? Isn't this like one of the best use cases of the blockchain in crypto? Why would they not utilize the technology to prevent this exact thing from happening? Are there tradeoffs I'm not aware of?

The practical tradeoff for not using the actual currency blockchain is instant settling time and 0 cost for transactions. If every transaction was on the chain, they may take hours or longer to settle (not unlike trading shares on a "real" stock exchange), and there'd be a fee for each one.

As for why they don't keep them on an internal blockchain, there's really no advantage in doing this vs a proper setup with a database. The part that makes crypto work isn't necessarily the blockchain, it's the public record part.

Blockchain and crypto go together because the blockchain acts as a public ledger between parties who don't (or don't need to) trust each other. On an exchange, there's no trust issues- you and the person you're trading with have both agreed to trust the exchange and their records.

Edit: I'm not super up-to-date on the crypto world, but I'm reasonably sure that there are on-chain/decentralized exchanges. I also think that there's been a lot of development towards making pseudo-on-chain exchanges through projects like the Lightning network in regards to BTC.

> this is why Elon told Twitter engineers to print their code - he's a boomer programmer who grew up in this era when that really was how you read and reviewed code

Just to clear up a misconception: Elon Musk isn't and never was a programmer. He never went to school for it, never had a job in it, and his wikipedia mentions nothing about even having the ability to code. He at one point needed some of his devs' help running a Python program. His reasons for having them print out the code at Twitter are almost certainly not due to "that's how it used to be".

TO BE CLEAR: This comment isn't a dig at Elon. I personally dislike him, but this fact about him doesn't make him a worse person. Just clearing up an obvious misconception that @yodon has about him.

Musk has made reference to programming C++ in the past.

That format refers to 4chan boards. That one is “pol(itics)”

Shit outta luck

Also very interested in this - I have a mini 2 as well and if I can get it to follow me that would be AWESOME.

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