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So? Please add something to the discussion rather than just pasting a link to a competitor. What does Gimbal do that's different/better/etc.? Genuinely curious.

Agreed. I've seen several demos of Gimbal and I fail to see how GPS and Google Goggles differs from this. GigaOm has a video demo: http://gigaom.com/2013/01/11/video-qualcomms-project-gimbal-...

If only there were a handy link available! :P


Thanks. I just came from happy hour and had a couple of drinks. Will edit it. :)

Looks like someone's not a happy drunk. ;)

Thanks for the interesting perspective.

Who cares it a fucking blog

I feel that with this map, yes it does show what parts of our country "hang with each other" and it is evident that these parts cross state lines. But isn't that the point of the state lines? So that you dont have any 1 certain group of people (whether they be similar related in religion, political affiliation, or ideology) living in the same place. This is why counties get redrawn now so that certain political people do not consistently hold a majority in the white house. It good that these state lines are drawn, so they we have a diversity of people representing individual states.

"With this phone, I'm forced into an environment where I feel like I need to be social all the time"

I think this was probably a user story for them and definitely one of their biggest motivations, unfortunately lol.

Oh yeah, it's not a question of "user that doesn't want to be social", I'm sure their stories are more centered around "how to enforce social behavior and destroy the concept of temporary isolation and privacy in this particular demographic".

This has to be one of the most useless articles i've ever read...

You must be new to the internet then ;)


Wow that was lame, they've had so much better april fools jokes in past years.

Really? I can't remember an April Fool's Day joke from Google that I found even remotely funny.

I liked the double mouse in Chrome joke that they made.

"You're only using 50% of your hands!"

A simple question: Why?

"necessity is the mother of invention " -Plato.

Why use this as appose to traditional powerpoint?

Traditional powerpoint has become bulky and outplayed (especially if you are emailing a large powerpoint attachment).

Its 2013...there is no need to be using powerpoint especially when you can put this deck on its own URL and share it much faster than an attachment.

I'm a programmer and prefer using HTML5 based presentation libraries, but for the average user creating a powerpoint and emailing it is simpler and easier than this sort of thing.

I've never had a problem with the ppt being to big. And i've never run into a problem sharing ppts or getting them from a PM if ever necessary.

After reading this thread all day, i felt like i should try out the feature: was as perfect as the work and mathematics behind it, intended ;)

Yea, great job on the game!! I was past level 7 before I had to pull my self away.

The game is A LOT of fun ;) I definitely see myself and people I know playing it. Best of luck in the app-store. No doubt you all will do GREAT!!!

Levi Weintraub has a really great tech talk hosted at airbnb, where he talks abouts all the different aspects of WebKit and it's components: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGzmST5nNSM&playnext=1...

Some more really good tech talks @ https://www.airbnb.com/techtalks

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