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if your mom can get the amazon appstore to work on her iPhone you should consider hiring her skills to work on the next jailbreak.

seriously, what a comment!

i agree that it is a complex issue. the problem is that he negates his argument by saying "many women" and trying to say what they feel. "many women" is pretty much a gender enhancing phrase

I actually think that "many women" isn't exaggeration.

Similar issues are discussed frequently in many forums. It's only you don't know what you don't know!

Edit: Ok. I exaggerated. But we really don't know.

i'd love to know what makes "Radall" the expert on what "Many women grow up with"

I've seen a video of Randall talking about a variety of stuff (I think it was "Google Tech Talks" or so), and I got the impression that he just talks to people, and listens to what they say. While reading his comics I also thought multiple times that he must be a very good observer.

That doesn't necessarily make him an expert in the sense that conducting a scientific study would make him, but it's still worth listening to him.

i don't doubt it. i just question his ability to talk about what many women feel. how many women do you have to "talk to", "listen to" and "observe" before you can consider yourself to be assigning what "many woman feel" without ever being capable of feeling it yourself?

We all draw conclusions about the feelings of groups of people without experiencing what the group actually feels. Making observations and conclusions based on those observations is necessary to reason. "Many women that I've talked to" should be the read version of all group observing statements. Then the conversation can continue about how someone else's observations may differ.

Reading the article, I also get the feeling that he can't have so much experience in this topic. What he says sounds logical, but doesn't really acknowledges all the aspects. Also I have a quite different view about how women view men, even those, who actually have really bad experiences with men.

He's the King Arthur of the White Knights of the Internet.

<I arleady replied to another posts of yours. But here it is :) >

Incidentally a few women expressed similar opinions a few years ago on two other forums I visited.

Really, if he used "some women" (edit: or many women I know) would you have any objection?

<I arleady replied to another posts of yours. But here it is :) >

Incidentally a few women expressed similar opinions a few years ago on two other forums I visited.

Really, if he used "some women" would you have any objection?

can you name 2? doubt it...

hey, you don't know me or shite, but you're a fucking cool guy. probably the most generous dude i've ever not met. cheers!

yeah, cause every interface built using UIKit is somehow magically consistent and high quality

funnily enough, apple.com has a dark grey bar across the top but i've never heard you open your mouth about it, and you're quite known to open your mouth about anything. your opinion is pointless and useless because you are such a fanboi

Your point is excellent; it's a shame you had to spoil it with all the personal stuff.

yeah. good point. sorry

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