Can you wait or do you need a machine immediately. There will probably be some lead time before the new machines are delivered.
If you have a computer you can still use the move is definitely to cancel. Then either buy the new shiny or buy the older models (unused or refurb) at a reduced price. These M processors are so good that for me, the ones currently shipping are perfectly fine.
I specifically wanted to learn meditation several years ago and used the headspace app to do so. After going through their several basic programs and then the various 'pro' levels I stopped needing the app to meditate.
The app was invaluable to learn how to sit quietly and control my mind but after like ~2 / 3 months it stopped being useful as I was much less interested in the 'medititaion for running" "meditation for relationships" etc. I just wanted to learn the basics and not apply the meditation to a specific topic. For that it was great. As with anything though, YMMV
As in the technology is available to make many 'off the shelf' tractors self-driving. I have no info on actual uptake just that there are components available to make 'normal' driving in to self-driving using third party modules
Sure, but you probably weren't trying to sell those copies to unsuspecting buyers, pretending you had the rights to do so, and giving nothing to the artist. That's the scummy part.
I often try to think of a rule that would require simplified bills without just having arbitrary limits. Like, wouldn't it be nice if each thing voted on had to be less than 8 pages (for example) in length instead of 3000. I'm sure there is some downside though like how will we fit all the pork in to this vote??!?
It should be +1 day per page before it can be voted on. It's completely absurd that the people voting on these bills don't have the chance to read and understand them before having to give an opinion and change the laws governing >300M people. The whole thing makes a mockery of representative democracy.
oof (from the link). Debugging nightmare to have a fairly inexperienced team trying to diagnose stuff in these incredibly complex systems.
> 4 SREs managing Nomad, Consul, and Vault for 11,000+ nodes across 22 clusters, serving 420+ internal developers
> "We have people who are first-time system administrators deploying applications, building containers, maintaining Nomad. There is a guy on our team who worked in the IT help desk for eight years — just today he upgraded an entire cluster himself."
I'm not sure that is still the case. I have an OP-Z and lurking forums for that device reveals tons of posts about build / hardware issues. Luckily my secondhand unit only has SOME broken components but it's pretty widely known as an incredibly fragile device with many design flaws
There's plenty of products made with plastic that holds up well, even in the most harsh environments.
They decided to make the OP-Z out of plastic and it didn't hold up well. It's the fault of their poor design, or at least the type of plastic they decided to use, not the materials.
Not related to hollywood but I worked wildland fire for the local sheriff for a couple years and the 'mandated lunch breaks' were pretty much bullshit. MAYBE 15 minutes to stop and eat (often not even sitting down), then get back to work but had to report at least a half hour of unpaid downtime on the shift report at the end of the day. No wonder that area expertise is also hemorrhaging skilled workers. Luckily it was only part time for me but those guys are really getting fucked over between low pay and the ridiculous breaks