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My favorite feature is when I try to save something in an admin restricted folder and I hadn't started it as admin. It seamlessly restarts itself as admin and restores the file I was working on. It's magic.

Why not GPT in Brainfuck?

I believe you're right on this. The original ICQ number accounts got merged into AOL Instant Messenger, and for a while you could log into AIM with your ICQ number. I think the original ICQ died when AIM got shut down.

I like https://oldweb.today ... actually emulates old OS/browser combinations and proxies stuff from archive.org

I never get over the weird feeling seeing something like Windows 95 which was released with such spectacle, Jay Leno and millions of dollars in launch events, requiring the latest available PC equipment to boot the same day, and of course the looming threat of the SPA sending you to PMITA prison if you didn’t pay your $209.95 being reduced to a small square on my mobile phone still running faster through a million layers of framework. Seemed like serious shit at the time.

Unfortunately it’s still Windows 95.

Not trying to be a hater, but I did recently install a Windows 95 VM on my Mac to relive that old experience… and then the very first error alert sound, that incredibly tinny really loud annoying sound that would always make me jump out of my chair with crappy PC speakers came blasting out of my much much better speakers backed by a subwoofer and I realized there is no nostalgia value to be had here.

I liked what I had at the time when it was all that I had but I would never want to completely relive that experience. If I got sent back in time to the day Windows 95 launched and had to live the rest of my life from that point on, I honestly don’t know if I would want to touch another computer until like early 1999, maybe late 1998 at the earliest, and only for work.

Well that’s sort of on you for not using the correct MPC 2.0 compatible Labtec speakers!

Same. It was around that time I discovered Linux, and then the *BSDs. Before that, getting online required Trumpet Winsock. I did some tech support for an ISP up until 1998, so I had to know the stack, but rarely touched it myself. From the mid-2000s I moved to Apple, but only because I wanted a laptop with a unix command line and working bluetooth and that was _hard_ back then.

Just realised that means I've not owned a Windows machine - and barely touched one professionally or even much in my personal life - in almost 25 years now.

SPA (Software Publishers Association…and RIAA lawsuits…

It's so funny to see the SPA and RIAA being mentioned in the same context as PMITA prison because I just told my friend yesterday that if I ever released the software I actually want to build, that the RIAA and WMG would PMITA in court without so much as spitting on me in disgust before starting.

This really captures how slow the web, and everything else, was back then.

Not necessarily. I was living in Stockholm and had a 10/10Mbit connection. Not too bad for a 15 year old kid.

Nothing quite says Moore's law like putting the web in a website.

Love this. I have often thought about doing the same thing, but using the audio feeds from broadcastify perhaps.

And no modern OS does those two things consistently or correctly.

I don't know about correctly, but I do find that there is some mildly buggy behaviour with multiple monitors on Windows 10. I haven't had great trouble with my touchscreen either, but you're right that there are occasional hiccups.

That being said, I'm much happier with those features than without them!

same, and I think the same. how did you go about getting diagnosed?

(US Based Answer) - Talk to your GP and they can likely recommend a local specialist who does the testing.

What was the value that you saw in getting it diagnosed? I'm sure many people live their whole life without having a label for some of the stuff going on in their body/mind. If they're halfway through life and not obviously suffering, is it worthwhile?

If you actually have ADHD, trying a stimulant medication will tell you in 15 minutes how quiet everything is for people without ADHD.

You can get a treatment if you’re diagnosed with ADHD. Being halfway through life doesn’t mean you should just idly wait for death.

I think you misunderstand me. Somebody halfway through life isn't just sitting around waiting to die. But if there are ADHD indications and no obvious suffering or underperformance, it is clearly a condition that has been lived with. How valuable is the treatment at that point? There's quite a range between "meh, if it hasn't been a problem then it's probably not going to move the needle" and "it is lifechanging, you don't know what you're missing.". Sibling reply suggested the latter certainly _can_ happen. It seems like a number of posters in this thread have personal experience/wisdom to share.

So, I'm not diagnosed (though I recently had a member of my care team recommend going through an evaluation to maybe shed some light on things and am starting that process). Truth the "ask your GP" is generally the answer to any question on how to start a process in the US medical system.


I prefer `sl-h`

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