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Interesting, what new space startup was that?


Someone in Nebraska should start a site named Cornhub.

What do you mean? CornHub already exists


So that's what the MP was after [0]

[0] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-61284686

I clicked absentmindedly.. luckily it seems mostly harmless.

Would you really have been permanently damaged if it were a porn site? :)

I think it's very funny by the way :) Love the idea

Probably more out of caution around workplace-mandated anti-virus/spyware. I don't know if they're sophisticated enough to catch rhymes but it makes sense for general apprehension to surface.

Corn Hub: "The Internet is for Corn."

Corn, corn, corn...

Maybe YOU think corn is harmless, but most of the country doesn’t. It’s not funny/ a joking matter!

Loss of a job can be permanently damaging in some cases.

That doesn't happen if you click on the wrong link once though. I've got the "Adult content is forbidden" Zscaler page many times at work and I didn't even get a call from HR :) Ususally miscategorised but still.

And why would they, because if you get this warning you didn't get to see porn, so it doesn't work. There is no point to keep on trying anyway.

Did Conway's Law originate with Lynn Conway?

No, Conway's Law[1] is attributed to Melvin Conway, a different computer Scientist. Also unrelated to either Lynn Conway, or Melvin Conway, is Conway's Life, which is named for John Conway[2]

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway's_law

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Horton_Conway

But she coined "The Conway Effect"

When “others” (such as women and people of color) make innovative contributions in scientific and technical fields, they often “disappear” from later history and their contributions are ascribed elsewhere. This is seldom deliberate—rather, it’s a result of the accumulation of advantage by those who are expected to innovate. This article chronicles an example of such a disappearance and introduces the Conway Effect to elucidate the disappearance process.


They report a fairly large jump in accuracy across several datasets in their paper. Looks like a promising approach, basically leveraging the very large context window that some recent LLMs provide to give many examples in context before an actual task is attempted.

I was really impressed at this art project, well done to the person who made it.


The interesting thing is that the original chip inside the N64 was created by Silicon Graphics and was called Project Reality, and it was originally created to pursue consumer VR before that whole industry blew up in the 90s and it was made to power a 3D console instead. More details: https://medium.com/@AguyinaRPG/the-nintendo-64-was-the-culmi...

Got to play with the N64 at the "soft" launch at SIGGRAPH '96. It was pretty mind-blowing.

But even more mind-blowing was the SGI booth where they had an Onyx running a VR demo where the user was building downtown New Orleans in legos. Based on that, our shop actually found quite a few customers willing to pay for VRML development, of all things.

They already had called it the EyePhone. I'm dying

Has anyone tried this on OpenCLIP based models?

I nice coincidence is that Stewart Brand, who later went on to found the Whole Earth Review and other counterculture icons, was the camera man running the camera at Douglas Engelbart's famous Mother of All Demo demo in 1968 in San Francisco.

Really interesting library.

Is anyone aware of something similar but hooked into Google Cloud infra instead of Azure?

we could easily add that if there's interest, e.g. using Pub/Sub and Cloud Storage. If there are .NET libraries, should be straightforward implementing some interfaces. Similar considerations for the inference part, embedding and text generation.

Ok Doomer!

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