Looks good. The only thing difficult in the bio/med community is actually gather some audience. Let's hope to get something, it would be a good resource.
The paper you link to actually seems more interesting to me than the one described in the OP. Definitely a different paper, though, unless the OP author was on crack.
Yeah, that's a different one, but you're right, it is way more interesting. What they've found is that the interactions of groups of proteins is very highly conserved, so proteins that work together towards a function in plants are still working together in humans, for example, even after millions of years of evolution. They use this to find a plant model for a neurological development disorder.
But I think that's his point - the power of the internet has come from it's openness and freedom. Try to control it and trying to kill it are very much the same thing, even if a government isn't conscious of that.
Hardly bad, literal yes, almost. 'Chaves' (keys, braces, staches in the post's joke) really come from the mathematical term 'chaveta', a punctuation, symbol that serves as a opening and closure in mathematical terms, hence the term as a key and not as brace (what would be better translated as braçadeira).