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Hello, GPT-4 is not worth it in my experience so far!

I would say, GPT-4 is - 20% better at "summary quality" - feels 50% faster - BUT, 10X as expensive.

So using GPT-3.5 was the right choice for me at this point.

Thanks for the question... Any sample videos you are thinking of?

Summary Cat doesn't work for videos where there's not a lot of speaking. I am hoping to build a bit more on text-rich videos first, so I do not plan to do actual video (image) processing any time soon.

I will keep that in mind!!

I am thinking about music videos, where the lyrics don't describe the video necessarily. For instance, I am curious about what exactly is the story in this music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pruKV1chnHA&ab_channel

Hello! Thanks for the question. I do not myself restrict tokens/session. The model I am using GPT-3.5-Turbo-16k (https://platform.openai.com/docs/models/gpt-3-5), allows max 16,385 tokens in total per input/output.

So far, I found that each ~10 minute video uses around 1000 tokens. It costs me about 3 cents to summarize, which is not too bad as I don't have many users, and users haven't been requesting summaries for super long videos yet.

If this sites gets a lot of interest, I might start restricting something :)..

GPT 3.5 Pricing: https://openai.com/pricing

"Our constructed definition of 'good' comes from religion."

I am wondering what makes you think that?

There are people who are perfectly happy with about $250K of take-home pay a year if that means they have plenty of freedom to do other things. In fact, I bet many people in the US will be happy with $30K a year, not $250K.

Of course, but why would someone be happy with that if it's a significant downgrade from where they are now?

Fascinating! Any chance I could know which school it is?

I have worked in both computer science and classical music, and found many crossover talents. Two previous Director of Music at my school (UBC in Canada) in the last few decades are both musicians and engineers/physicists.

Northern Illinois University

(though it's been.... a while... since I graduated.)

On the other hand: there must be people who decided they wanted children in high school, but later regret it.

I find it unfair that the society often consider people being "too young; may change mind later" when they say they do not want children; but we don't apply the same standards to young people who want children.

May I suggest you consider fostering a child? Or spending more time as an educator of some sort (through teaching, mentoring, etc.)? There are definitely ways for you to give love to a younger generation that does not involve your daughters decision to have children or not.

Yes, I've certainly considered it.. but I still have some time there. My oldest is only 16, and her decisions now are certainly not indelible.

"> My ancestors thought it was okay to have kids during times in which many scholars where certain the apocalypse was due in the next 25 years, during periods in which the plague killed more than half of the population, during the 30 years war and in a time when there was a realistic chance of nuclear annihilation in the next 10 years. I am glad they did."

In my opinion, your ancestors had children largely because they had intercourse without accessing to birth control, not because they made a conscious decision to have children despite the circumstances.

"Society can only support you in old age if there are enough younger people around."

I do not agree with that. In my opinion, technology advancements (say, driverless cars) will make reduce the amount of young people needed to support for older people.

I have yet to see any technology that will change a bedpan in the next 30 years. Much less provide the most important component to an older person’s mental (and hence in some ways physical) health - which is the company of other humans, family and friends, and typically grand children and other decendants.

I have been thinking of some powered exoskeleton that provides mobility as one solution.

What is more concerning is loneliness, but maybe VR NPCs or something.

I don't think loneliness will be massive issue. Considering the population of young adults and adults already suffering from it. Nothing will be different for us. And the communications are likely to improve so this is one thing that technology can solve.

In that case, if these technologies become so successful to eliminate the need for young people, they will basically become our successor species and all this is moot anyways.

Obviously that won’t happen overnight, but it could definitely happen gradually.

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