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Congrats on the launch. Would you be able to recommend off-net sms providers that you have had good luck with?

It really depends on use case. They all have their pros and cons.

Hi - I'm working on some projects with IoT now and would like to see if we can use your services. Any chance you can contact me? Info in my about.

Wow. I imagined it took tons of patients (well - 4 days worth). Amazing.

Very cool! I can see that this app is doing using react, and would like to learn how to do an app like this. Is there something you'd recommend that takes about rendering an app correctly on all these phones?

Does not necessarily have to use react or the podcast.. any git repos would be helpful :)

It's not using React, it's using Ractive (http://ractivejs.org), which we use for all of our projects. It was designed with that goal (among others) in mind – making cross-browser DOM quirks something we don't need to worry about.

Is Andela a 501c3 company? Trying to understand the motivations for these foundations to give money away Andela is a for profit company

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative is also a for profit company.

I thought you were joking, but apparently I haven't been following this. The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative is an LLC with no association to any 501c3.

I try to visit his site every Friday. I like his no nonsense videos.

I am pretty sure it uses wolfram or wikipedia api to answer questions.. Perhaps also ALICE and AIML

As I've replied to other people: No AIML. My bot uses its own markup language custom-made to its needs that I call ACUMANSCRIPT. What makes it special is the backend, which is much more flexible and advanced then AIML (which focusing on exact string matching).

In fact, ACUMAN beat the ALICE bot in the last Chatterbox Challenge by over 20 points, winning the "Best New Bot" prize.


Grants like there baffle me. Having worked for the university, it is a lot about how you phrase the proposal so you can get the approvers to issue the grant. Someone had suggested ya-snippet and it already solves many of their goals. I am skeptical about the auto-correct feature

One of the PIs is a Goedel award winner (M. Vardi). Track record matters in getting funding.

I am curious... how do sites like these make money? Youtube?

We make no profit whatsoever. Movieo is our side passion project.

We could make money through ads(lame, not gonna happen), donations(we could add a button somewhere, but like anyone's gonna donate), amazon etc. links(we'll add those to movie page).

Anyway I doubt we'll make any money on this. And it doesn't matter since that wasn't the point. We just wanted to make something cool that people would use.

Also, we use free stuff all the time. Programming languages are free. Frameworks are free. Sometimes it's nice to give back to community.

We'll be able to put it in our CV's I guess (nobody cares about those either).

Ok then have a look at these guys and you may get ideas on how to make money. gyde.tv

I thought this would be a perfect article for testing our some summarize tools :). According to the osx summarizer tool, the following came up when I set to 1 sentence:

It’s the angst of an early hire at a start-up that only he realizes is failing; the angst of a founder who raises $5 million for his company and then finds out an acquaintance from college raised $10 million; the angst of someone who makes $100,000 at 22 but is still afraid that he may not be able to afford a house like the one he grew up in.

How can you access the summarize tool in modern OS X? I remember Apple doing away with it or otherwise moving it after ~10.5 or so.

I too would like to know this. Looks a brilliant feature.

EDIT: Found! It is still there in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services > Text > Summarize. It just isn't enabled by default.

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