I counter with another question. Is it ethical for a company to pay you the same to do more work? If you tell them you have automated your job, I guarantee that the reaction will be to give you more work. You will not get more free time or more pay.
How is the mortality rate of wind and hydro calculated? Is it from engineers being killed during maintenance/construction? It feels like those two would have a mortality rate or something similar to "a house."
Specifically, hydro was the cause of the worst single power generation accident of all time: 171,000 dead when the Banqiao dam failed.
Before anyone assumes that will never happen again: There are fears over multiple large dams, including Mosul, where a failure worst case could kill a million.
If we're lucky Banqiao will be a one-off, but large dams are massive risk factors because they need ongoing maintanenance forever, and are often upstream of some of the densest populated areas. On top of that they're also ecological disasters.
Also when they are properly maintained. You don't want to be the maintenance guy getting killed by the combination of high water pressure and a 1cm wide opening.
In addition to the factors unique to dam failure, large construction projects will statistically result in dead workmen - at least over multiple projects.
Well, really every form of power generation either involves construction or people clambering about on roofs they might fall off of. But this is the reason that forms of power generation with no pollution still kill a certain number of people per trillion Whr.
That was my immediate thought when I heard about this. Raise it up to at least 250k if you really want it to get back to being a program for the truly unreplaceable talent.
They know what they are doing. The whole point is to get you to use their cloud services. But now, if you are a Project Fi user, they are charging for data access to your own content you upload to Play Music.
So now I am back to managing music files on my device and changing them out and feeling like I jumped 10 years back to the past.
Right, which is why in every google app they give you the option to cache songs offline, and set your phone to only play streaming music while on wifi. They're TOTALLY trying to get you to spend more on data - which they make basically nothing off of. That's as ridiculous as saying they intentionally break android to have you buy a new phone to make the whopping .75 per handset.
Well it is a custom skin built into the Google App. I have the Nexus 6p and enabled it by making a change so my device identifies as a Pixel to Google. There was no additional software installed and that was all I did to enable it, make a small text change from "Nexus 6p" to "Pixel XL".