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I think people are misinterpreting car free. Car free likely just means more of a park and ride type situation. You hop on a designated bus that will be available at various locations, and that bus will take you to the venue.

As a driver, I have a lot more control of what scenarios I find myself in when driving vs when taking the metro.

How exactly? On a bus you’re surrounded by people who (more or less) have no way of really hurting you. On a highway the opposite is true, a small mistake by a well meaning fellow driver could mean death. While the incidences of crime sit atop our mind they are drastically infrequent (daily public transit taker here) which is what warrants the wall-to-wall news coverage. Meanwhile “guy on TikTok on the highway, wipes out whole family” barely makes the print edition.

Feels like one of those vibes issues, you feel safe but aren’t safe (statistically)

I don't really run into marketplace items when I use Walmart for groceries unless I seek them out, as they are shipped the same day from the store.

What does one have to do with the other?

how would you know how to reach per-site resolvers?

The same way you advertise any other central service at your site (the default route to the internet, for example):

DHCP, or RA (IPv6).


Higher property taxes generally would lead to lower home prices.

But really, this applies with anything that you purchase. If the sales tax inceases, you may be taxed more for an identical item that was purchased prior to the sales tax increase.

States and cities have a variety of ways to tax people. They don't need to rely on property tax.

>Higher property taxes generally would lead to lower home prices.

this is not my experience - since property taxes are generally related to the desirability of the house and updated periodically (so often years after a price rise in area)

It's definitely influencing my home buying decision. In Philadelphia area, Delaware County property taxes are a significant amount higher than neighboring Montgomery county. I am looking in both, but my budget is about $30k higher in Montgomery county because of the taxes. I would venture a guess that similar houses in Montgomery county generally sell for more than their counterparts in Delaware county.

the claim as I understand it is that the higher taxed houses will decrease in price in order to attract buyers, but property taxes are generally determined by prices, this would mean that house value should increase in Montgomery because lower taxes, and prices should decrease in Delaware because higher prices, and then in a few years the property taxes in Montgomery should increase and the taxes in Delaware should decrease.

I of course am aware that property taxes change over time, but I don't think this kind of strongly observable see-sawing of the property taxes actually exists - so probably more data than just guessing would be useful.

Iirc housing is pretty inelastic

> Theres no quick hack to building a trustworthy domain or getting lots of trustworthy links for example

Sure, but there are other potential hacks that this leak exposes that marketers may now be focusing on more so now they would have otherwise based on the information in the leak.

Loom in the title got my attention. It is the only reason I clicked on the link.

It is unfortunate this is being discussed rather than the product.

+1 same. If this was a generic screen recording software I’d have skipped it.

Same here. However I was very disappointed because it was nothing like what I was expecting from the name.

> monopoly of Jewish people in finance

what is the monopoly of jewish people in finance (source?) and how does this cause israel to rank second behind India?

My iPhone 12 Pro Max looks pretty much brand new, despite never being in a case. I really wonder how much those cases really help these days

They stop the wobble from the camera island if you put your phone face up on the table.

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