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Where’s he justifying it? He’s simply pointing out the double standards when the West policies the world how they can get away with whatever atrocities they want.

Plus, you furthered his point by calling the western atrocious as “conflicts”.

What's the cost of water salination? California has a coast.

That's a false dichotomy, because nonreligious people find some other ways to create an "us vs them" mindset. We see it all the time.

It's also a fallacy to group all religions under one banner and claim that they all say the same. Even among what you call "organized religion", while there is some overlap between say Islam and Judaism/Christianity, once you start looking at things deeper, you'll see how Islam comes out different, and as a Muslim, I'd say on top.

Totally agree that nonreligious people can be just as factional. But I see organized religion as a catalyst of sorts for factionalism and objectification of outsiders. It's not the only such catalyst.

I'm always interested in learning more about the history and spirituality of different religions, but I believe I'm permanently over thinking that anyone has the best or most correct religion.

What effect will this have on its price?

If everything else stays the same, it should have a positive impact on price because of the reduction of issuance.

Those kinds of apps appearing are due to circumstances that set the wheels in motion a long time before.

When religions like Islam, Judaism, and Christianity heavily control mixing between the genders, it's for a reason. Once the boundaries broke down and the so called "sexual revolution" took hold, it was only a matter of time.

That's a straw man. Speaking as a Muslim, Islam controls mixing between genders of people that are non-Mahrams (i.e. people who are able to get married to each other). The same applies to Judaism and Christianity. Interactions between the genders is controlled and under specific circumstances, based on necessity, and no such thing as "casual friendship" exists between the genders.

The reason of course, is that the natural desire of humans, as well as the influence of Satan, will cause things to end up badly, as we've seen time and time again. Wasn't there the "metoo" movement that we saw?

I have not seen any Muslim scholar declare men as defacto "predators".

Lebanon was literally formed by the colonialist West, who used divide and conquer to strategically place people there so that the conflicts keep going.

I disagree that Muslims want democracy (I'm Muslim). Present day democracy generally contradicts and is against Islam, so I'm not sure where you're getting your information from.

I’m from a Muslim country, and I think they do want democracy. What they don’t want is liberal democracy like in the west.

Shadi Hamid has been instrumental in helping me understand the distinction between the two things. Here’s a good example: https://mobile.twitter.com/shadihamid/status/144363599537580.... More generally: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2016/08/shadi-hamid-on-i...

What (most) Muslims want is something like what America was like in the early days. Puritan society was extremely democratic, insofar as the people did make the rules for society. But it was not liberal democracy—the puritans created public schools for the purpose of socializing children into religion. They also made it a criminal offense to celebrate Christmas: https://www.history.com/news/when-massachusetts-banned-chris...

> insofar as the people did make the rules for society

But which rules? While Islam does have certain leeway for certain things to be left to society to decide, not everything is. You will not find any Muslim who will make it an offense to celebrate Eid for example.

This is also why the West generally supported or stayed quiet about the violent coup that took out the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's only democratically elected government. We value liberalism even if it's at the point of a gun over democracy.

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