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Something like Eye Gaze perhaps

In countries where public healthcare is a thing, why wouldn’t trying to limit the spread of something like Covid (that would inundate healthcare facilities) be part of a government’s business?

It would, but forcing the people to do anything shouldn't.

> This feels like something Apple could have executed well by themselves. I was hoping they weren't going to outsource

Who is to say they aren't eventually going to replace the OpenAI integration with an in-house solution later down the line? Apple Maps was released in 2012, before that they relied on Google Maps.

My bet is on an trial/acquisition if it works out. I guess that could be complicated with the current ownership structure

Personally I would say the disparity between what was in their founding agreement "be open-source—freely and publicly available for anyone to use, modify and distribute" https://archive.ph/R0LBL to the current state of affairs.

But I guess the list of grievances could be longer:


You may want to edit your list to remove Figma since the Adobe acquisition is no longer happening :)

And perhaps a combination of https://cavalry.scenegroup.co and https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/fusion could be After Effects alternatives. I haven't made the switch yet due to the number of AE plugins I own, but perhaps this most recent Adobe gaffe will do it for me.

Good catch, I was meaning to update it for some time. I didn't know about Fusion, but it looks neat.

> I haven't made the switch yet due to the number of AE plugins I own, but perhaps this most recent Adobe gaffe will do it for me.

Honestly, just give it a go. I was surprised how easy it was for me (with PS, AI etc).

Ah, and mainly / especially w. Lightroom → Capture One

If you're only using Premiere for video editing and not for any After Effects integration, then even the free version of DaVinci Resolve is a great alternative. For a while Resolve's performance and relatively better stability made it a superior choice when Apple first switched to using their own silicon.

I was actually only using Premiere because I needed to work on a project that had been edited in Premiere, otherwise I’d use Avid (which is its own brand of hot garbage but that’s a different story).

Resolve is not bad, but unfortunately it can be a bit overwhelming for a novice editor, and it has some other interesting quirks that can make it a less suitable choice depending on what you’re doing. Still, I would definitely recommend trying it over Premiere at this point.

For those in Toronto :) https://introjapan.ca/inperson-classes/

No affiliation. I gifted my partner an intro workshop pass and she's been returning for more classes since then.

How do you discover classes like this? Are there city-specific guides to interesting classes and seminars that you can take?

I wish I could offer something more useful, but in this case her birthday was fast approaching and I remembered her bringing up Kintsugi in a conversation. I did a search for "kintsugi toronto" and found that teacher's site on the first results page. Back in the day I would have browsed craigslist, but unfortunately it's not as popular here anymore.

I'm also looking. The University of Utah has a random one-off kintsugi course this fall but I think it's full already.

Someone built something the way that they did because they wanted to. Clearly this isn’t for you :shrug:

As someone who has carried out accessibility audits, I can unfortunately attest to this topic being a blindspot in tech circles. I remember hanging out with fairly senior frontend devs from a FAANG company who didn't know what purpose skip links served on websites. It can also be an uphill battle to advocate for remediation once design and development work is already baked in.

Yep. And I think there’s an interesting implicit bias where younger / mornjunior developers often get tasked with things like that, so they see no problem

Try https://www.modernhn.com if you haven't already. UI elements have more spacing around them, especially if zoomed in.

Hadn’t heard of this before, it looks great! Need it on mobile though, and would be happy to pay a reasonable fee for it.

You can install the addon on mobile firefox.

Ironically because of addons I now use firefox exclusively on mobile.

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