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Recycling is treating the symptom and not the root cause. The real problem is people buying too much crap they don't really need or shouldn't consume in the first place.

That's a narrow perspective - the root case is the broader expectations about packaging, from both producers and consumers. Lots of food comes wrapped in single-use plastic, too. It's one way to keep food shelf-stable. We need alternative packaging (or package re-use), since can't stop buying food.

There's no zero-cost way to have food, and it seems important to look at the total, not just packaging.

If (as I seem to remember for cucumbers) the un-wrapped version means significantly higher waste, then the film (which is completely single-use petrochemical) has to be balanced agains the farming and transport (also lots of single-use petro-products!) of the wasted ones.

I would argue most of what you are referring to as "food" is not and should not be considered food for humans though.

This is a rather elitist perspective.

Eating fruits and vegetables that can easily be composted is elitist? News to me.

Ever heard of a food desert?

Give me a break. First address the atrosious food consumption habits within the 94% of US population who do not live in so called food deserts before it can be used to justify the behavior of the vast majority.

Poverty? Marketing?

What? It's often helpful to form a full sentence if you want others to engage in a discussion with you.

Since we asked you repeatedly not to do flamewars like this, I've banned this account.

How was that a flamewar? I replied to a person who used 2 words in a discussion where there was no clear relation to the comment being replied to, and suggested they use a full sentence so that I can understand their point coherently.

The comment was insulting, and you'd already crossed into incivility before that. The reason we've banned you, though, is that you've done this way too much on HN—usually on the same topic—and ignored our requests to stop.

It is solely your own opinion that it was insulting. I believe your opinion/judgement of that comment is clouded by your overall personal disapproval and disagreement with my political and health-related views.

I simply stated that in order to have a discussion, a full sentence should be used. The commenter asking "Poverty? Marketing?" added absolutely nothing to the conversation and I asked him/her to clarify.

The other times that you say I've "crossed into incivility" have already been addressed by your previous warning to me from a few months ago, which I have since made it a point to not engage in what you referred to at the time as flamewars with regards to my topics. My comments often generate healthy debates and conversation.

I had not and your comment was not helpful in explaining the term either.

According to Wikipedia (if anyone cares..): "A food desert is an area, especially one with low-income residents, that has limited access to affordable and nutritious food. In contrast, an area with supermarkets or vegetable shops is a food oasis. The designation considers the type and quality of food available to the population, in addition to the number, nature, and size of food stores that are accessible. Food deserts are characterized by a lack of supermarkets which decreases residents' access to fruits, vegetables and other whole foods."

Fruits and vegetables are often packed in plastic as well.

Isn't single-use plastic what's rice/pasta/legumes packaged in, most of the time?

Humans are frugivores, you got your whole history/life concepts wrong.

Likely a firmware issue with the NSA intercept devices.

Are you basing that on anything or just BS'ing?

Hail Ghidra!

...and their key infrastructure in Venezuela.

Yes, I can't help to entertain the thought of another Stuxnet going wild.

I agree. Keto is the most dangerous dietary trend today.

I think it's a bad idea to sell them through a dedicated stand-alone website/store. Many people are selling ebooks successfully using ClickFunnels, especially when combined with upsells. Don't think of an ebook as a way to earn $15, rather as an entry point to a $500+ sale of another related product/service.

I've done many 30-day water fasts and up to 10 days of dry fasting periods.

I used to get routine blood work done every 7 days while water fasting, but I don't do it anymore.

The "healing crisis" typically begin around the 12-16 day marks, so just expect them and embrace the healing :)

Fasting is the best gift you can give to your body. It's a shame more people don't know or trust this. Good job mainstream for hiding the truth.

I water fast about 90 days out of the year (~25 consecutive days each time) and dry fast for about 30 (8 to 10 consecutive days each time).

People eat too much (and not even "bad" foods, just anything really) and more importantly - too often. Digesting food matter is a great way to get sick and maintain sickness.

"Dry fast" means you consume neither food nor water, correct?

How can a human possibly go "8 to 10 consecutive days" with no water?

Correct, no food or water.

In fact, there is also "soft" dry fast and "hard" dry fast. With the latter you also avoid any contact with water, such as washing hands, showers, etc.

I wouldn't recommend anyone should have a 8-10 day dry fast as their first fast, that's for sure.

But your body is capable of doing far more than you give it credit for. The concept of no one surviving 10 days without food or water is simply false. In fact, I have more energy on the 7th or 8th days of a dry fast than I did when I used to have a conventional diet.

This is one of those "remarkable claims require remarkable evidence" situations. If you're being genuine and seriously want the world to take notice, have you asked anyone to study the effects of a week-long dehydration in which you claim to have more energy by the end? Medical researchers would jump at the chance.

This is incredibly naive. Sadly this is not how the world actually operates. Entire industries and economies would be disrupted and vanish completely if majority of people were healthy. Millions of jobs rely on people continuously going through the cycle of disease.

Medical researchers would never jump at a chance to prove that fasting, something no one can patent and turn into a recurring revenue profit center, is the cure for many diseases they currently sell maintenance drugs and "treatment" for what they tell people is incurable.

Have you actually tried asking them?

University medical researchers in particular would chomp at the bit to get a study like this, with the potential to get into Nature and boost their reputation. Trust me, I've been an academic.

How much weight do you lose? Is your local climate dry or humid?

You lose as much as you need to. Many people who struggle to gain weight, actually do post-fast.

I meant, how much weight do you, ~aviv, personally lose on an 8-10 day dry fast?

Also, still wondering if you're in a dry or humid climate. And come to think of it, whether you're in a hot or mild climate.

Because I know of people who've been drinking water, but still reached a point of dehydration requiring medical attention, in hot or dry environments after moderate-to-extreme exertion. So my hunch would be that an 8-10 day "dry fast" might require minimizing activity in a cool, humid place.

The breezy vagueness of ~aviv's responses makes me somewhat skeptical of the reliability of his self-reports.

It's easy to just continue believing in your own path. I could not care less if a random HN user finds my answers vague. My comments here get flagged the majority of the time so I put very little effort into the responses nowadays. And to answer your question, I live in very dry climate.

Thanks for the climate moisture answer. Still wondering, is it hot or mild? (Do you engage in any activity that requires sweating during a dry fast, or do you minimize physical activity?)

And also still wondering: how much weight do you personally lose on each of the 8-10 day dry fasts you practice 3-4 times a year? (I find it strange such a simple question hasn't been answered.)

Of course I minimize my physical activity during dry fasts.

Hot. Arizona hot.

I don't track the weight anymore, about a pound a day, maybe a bit more. Early on it was nearly 2 pounds a day. Regain 75% of it on the scale rather quickly because I eat mostly fruits due to their water content. The weight loss is not what I'm after, as I said before, any weight loss during a dry fast is normal and expected. Those who need to put on weight generally do shortly after a fast is completed

I assume for your 25 day fasts you are taking some sort of supplement? Otherwise you are flirting with scurvy. Which typically sets in around 4 weeks of low to no vitamin c intake.

Aside from B12, I would never take any supplement, fasting or not.

With regards to your scurvy comment: https://chestofbooks.com/health/natural-cure/The-Hygienic-Sy...

"Digesting food matter is a great way to get sick and maintain sickness."

So our bodies doing what they have evolved to do is a way to 'get sick'?

Yes. Our bodies were not meant to consume processed man made food, pesticides, meat from diseased animals, excess protein, soy, genetically modified foods, processed sugars, vegetable juices, sea food from contaminated oceans and pools, the list goes on and on.

So yes, most of what you eat is getting you sick whether you realize it or not.

"A place where people can leave notes to others that can also read them on a computer like mine."

No need to overthink this. Kid just wanted your attention.

Is it going to make me or my business more money?

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