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About 10 years ago I interviewed with Radionomy for the lead position on the Winamp revival.

By that time I was working on a competing product at another company, and was admittedly a little young for a tech lead position. They didn't hire me.

Years later, in another company, we replied to a call for offers for yet another Winamp project, from the same company. We were 4 mobile app engineers, all super enthousiastic about the prospect and would have been able to deliver.

We didn't get the contract for money reasons.

I still believe Radionomy should have hired me, the first time or the second time, Winamp would be alive and kicking. Dammit!

Oh hell yeah!

Nice! Might need to buy a car soon, so that's handy!

A few comments:

- maybe add somes weights to the questions? For example it's more important that the rear view mirrors are properly attached than having no stain on the upholstery.

- some questions deserve more details. "After revving the vehicle in neutral...", am I supposed to rev it for long?

Other than that... Thanks! Looks pretty good :) Nitpick on the price: I would be ready to pay to remove ads, but not for the current price.

I hang out with a lot of car guys. I have a friend who swears by the idea that whenever he wants to buy a used car, after a test drive he'll just leave it idling for an hour. If nothing goes wrong by that point he'll buy it.

The better tip is to test with a cold start. Lots of used car problems are masked with a warm engine. Sellers will often pre-warm the car, so note the engine temperature when you start it the first time.

Do both. They are complimentary tests. The cold start answers questions about the sensors and power systems needed to get the engine going. The idle tests the opposite, how the engine handles thermal issues without the airflow of driving. But the common theme is that if the engine starts and runs, most everything else can be reasonably fixed.

In my area, people talk about only buying cars in winter. You don't know a car until you see it at sub-zero temperatures.

Interesting! Not sure a lot of pro sellers would allow that, but I can see an individual accepting the idea if it means quick cashout

Amazing feedback! Thanks so much. I will adjust the prices. It was a guess :)

Not saying you _have_ to lower the price, maybe I'm just a cheap bastard ;) You know what you need out of it.

EDIT: actually I just noticed it was cheaper through the "unlimited" option. Maybe a simpler/clearer pricing would do :)

SQLite reads and writes are already very fast, in particular because it's running in process.

The minute you put it behind a socket, you lose that benefit. Also you would have to implement an efficient wire protocol.

I just don't see the added value here.

I'm happy that something at all got all the mindshare. Otherwise we'd still each be using something different.

Markdown is perfectly usable.

You pay for impressions.


I did 4k video editing on my 8GB MacBook air M1, and it's still faster than on my desktop with an AMD 3600X and an Nvidia 1650.

Granted, it did swap, but it was still faster.

While I agree that 8BG is not much, I completely disagree that it's ruining the experience.

Kate was my first code editor on Linux. Learned PHP and python on it.

I still have nostalgia with the pink syntax coloring it has (had?) for python!

Thanks a lot to all the contributors, sure had an impact on my life!

I wrote a part of the kernel (uitron) for Toshiba SSDs that went into macbooks around 2013 on kate. It was my first and favorite editor :D

Is anyone actually using this on production servers? A web user/password login with sudo powers sounds... risky.

Yet managing the server through a web interface sounds nice.

Any feedback here?

It's not that different from having the same user/password accessible via ssh. It's best to not have direct access to important machines anyway, and go for a bastion or similar service.

But... you can switch to Kerberos SSO, or setup smart cards login instead.

You can also use it kind of like a jump host and do ssh keys I to secondary server.

I find it cool to give nice way to access in environments where ssh is not allowed by default, but https is. It's sometimes easier to setup proxies/reverse proxies in corporate forest instead of opting for direct ash access.

Wait, who's using SSH pass auth?

Folks, private keys. Change your SSH port and use an SSH tarpit on port 22.

How necessary is it to change ssh ports? You can't really spray/brute force a private key

It's not "necessary", but, when combined with a tarpit on port 22:

1. You can monitor if your private key is compromised and automatically rotate it.

2. It's fun to mess around with hackers and script kidies.

The tarpit on 22 is amazing. I love looking at all the access logs every fee months and seeing connection attempts that last minutes.

> user/password accessible via ssh

This is the first thing you should disable as soon as your public key is on the server.

I think most people who are serious have disabled ssh password authentication.

You don't have to run the web interface on the server.

You can use Cockpit Client (from flathub) to connect with SSH.

It depends on how you run your services.

We tested it before, however it is not quite good in our case.

Most of our services are running in a K8S cluster. The servers are just something we run the K8S node.

If we need to patch the system, we just “drain” the node, update and add it back.

So, if you do not need to directly operate the server, it will not be necessary.

You could also make Cocpit accesible only through VPN. Tailscale (and others) make it pretty easy.

Cockpit leverages the PAM stack, so you can have any authentication methodology you like.

Not production servers, but I use it on my home server running RHEL (and RockyLinux in the future).

I'm okay with using it instead of the shell because I know how to do stuff via the shell but I just got lazy.

It's not risky. For anything serious that can be an attractive target, it's a matter of time before getting doomed.

That's not a reason to make it faster...

Disagree. I will proudly write that my work is AI free.

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