You don't have 80cm between normal floor joists so installation in a regular house could be complex and expensive. If you are designing a multistory new build specifically for the elderly leaving a space for a solution like this to be installed/uninstalled in the future could be added to building standards.
PCR tests on Spanish sewer water found positive samples even earlier in 2019. I think the earliest so far French case was in early December 2019. I hope lots more studies are proceeding.
That aspect gets largely ignored in any discussion regarding Covids origin. Impossible to follow those really early cases up, tracing the infection lines I guess.
It is worth mentioning that you shouldn't lock a bike around the seat tube. A thief can cut the frame tubing much easier than the lock, disguise the break by covering it with a u-lock carrying clamp and still have a ridable bike to sell.
I used the Sheldon Brown method for a while. Nobody stole my bike but I gave up on it after getting a few broken spokes. A rigid lock resting on a relatively weak spoke is asking for trouble.
A cigarette contains up to a gram of tobacco with a nicotine content of 0.5 to 2 percent. A recent estimate of nicotine's human LD50 is in the range of 0.5 to 1 grams. A four cigarette dose would seem unlikely to be lethal.
7.2.1 Human data Adults
The mean lethal dose has been estimated to be 30 to 60 mg (0.5-1.0 mg/kg) (Gosselin, 1988). Children
The lethal dose is considered to be about 10 mg of nicotine (Arena, 1974).
7.2.2 Relevant animal data
Dog: oral LD50: 9.2 mg/kg
mouse: oral LD50: 3.3 mg/kg (RTECS, 1985-86)
rat: oral LD50: 50 mg/kg
0.5-1.0 mg/kg, not 0.5-1.0 grams. Don't go eating cigarettes.
Standing up while cycling makes your calves work really hard. A hour or two on one of these would make even a regular cyclist ache for a week, so a seat is probably essential for any practical purpose. The riding experience looks novel, that is probably it's main appeal.