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This is actually in violation with Mturks TOS. You cannot ask for personally identifiable information. They could ban your Amazon account.

really? oh man, those TOS are killing me. let me check that... thanks for telling me!

You could ask people to remove personally identifiable information (names, phones, etc.) and inform them that if they'd like to upload their full resume, they're welcome to at the full site.

yeah, that sounds like a much better approach even. thanks man!

...and the ability to prioritize issues, burn down, and a standup report would be nice. This is definitely in the right direction.

Khan Academy has a bunch of things on markets which I think is pretty digestible for people - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKly7Y1woJs

Etrade has a bunch of videos on the stock market lingo but I think you need an account.

Seconded. I'd suggest just browsing around http://www.khanacademy.org/#finance and click on any links that seem interesting. Each video is quite accessible on its own.

If, however, OP's interest in learning about the market goes further than the academic, then the motley fool (www.fool.com) website has a decent amount of basic info geared towards individual investors, e.g. http://www.fool.com/investing/beginning/investing-strategies...

Awesome, I like Khan Academy. Did not realize they had finance videos though. Thanks

I hesitated adding this but a few of the reviews are actually obviously pretty poor and some would actually hit the level of libel. Here is an interview with the creator:


Hopefully this will reduce the remarketing ads I keep seeing(doubtful). I click 1 link on HN and then usually it's a YC company fills up all the ad units on every page.

Ahh at least it's better then the get rich quick stuff or the 1-Secret Diet Trick ads on Facebook.

It's great to be a 30+ year old gamer/entrepreneur who is living thru the console wars. The landscape today feels a lot like it did in late-90's. And this piece give you a great glimpse of the dynamics on building a ground breaking piece of software.

He mentioned iTunes SEO. Any one knows of any great posts on the subject.

The new Gmail Preview(dense) Theme is just too light for my eyes. On my 27" screens I have to squint to see which mails are read vs unread.

Something is also off with the typography; the line height (leading) makes it very difficult to scan your messages for some reason.

The contrast between the grey and white in such a small space makes it so the eyes can immediate tell the difference between the two.

Same here. I've been using Planets theme for a while specifically because it's immediately obvious what's read and what's unread.

I've been using the Preview(dense) theme and I don't have that problem at all. While the issue could be due to your eyes, it is most likely being exacerbated by viewing the site on a monitor where the contrast setting is set too low and/or the gamma is set too high. Granted, good universal web design should account for the fact that many people's monitors won't be ideally calibrated, but if you like the theme other than for that issue you might want to try adjusting your contrast and gamma settings.

Uptrends has a pretty good service. Probes that run every 10 minutes. http://uptrends.com

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